• 曹云擎,王体健,韩军彩,王德羿,谢晓栋,吴昊,赵明.“2+26”城市一次污染过程PM2.5化学组分和来源解析研究[J].环境科学学报,2020,40(2):361-372

  • “2+26”城市一次污染过程PM2.5化学组分和来源解析研究
  • Study on chemical composition and source apportionment of PM2.5 during a pollution episode in “2+26” cities
  • 基金项目:大气重污染成因与治理攻关项目(No.DQGG0107,DQGG0304);国家重大科技研发计划(No.2017YFC0209803,2016YFC0208504);石家庄市科技计划项目(No.181240343A)
  • 作者
  • 单位
  • 曹云擎
  • 南京大学大气科学学院, 南京 210023
  • 王体健
  • 南京大学大气科学学院, 南京 210023
  • 韩军彩
  • 河北省石家庄市气象局, 石家庄 050081
  • 王德羿
  • 南京大学大气科学学院, 南京 210023
  • 谢晓栋
  • 南京大学大气科学学院, 南京 210023
  • 吴昊
  • 南京大学环境学院, 南京 210023
  • 赵明
  • 南京大学大气科学学院, 南京 210023
  • 摘要:"2+26"城市颗粒物污染严重,城市间相互影响显著,开展该区域大气颗粒物组分特征及来源解析的研究,能够为大气污染精细化管控及城市间协同控制提供科学支撑.本文对"2+26"城市2016年12月16-23日一次颗粒物污染过程中的PM2.5组分数据进行了分析,使用空气质量模式CAMx-PSAT对PM2.5的来源进行了解析.结果表明,本次污染过程中阳泉的PM2.5最高日均浓度为137 μg·m-3,达到中度污染;长治、太原和滨州的PM2.5最高日均浓度分别为235、188、226 μg·m-3,达到重度污染;其余城市的PM2.5最高日均浓度值超过250 μg·m-3,达到严重污染.PM2.5中含量最多的4种组分为OC、NO3-、SO42-、NH4+,平均占比分别为19.38%±4.37%、18.20%±3.14%、16.83%±3.55%、10.35%±1.64%,NO3-的占比高于SO42-;Cl、Cd、Sn、Cu、Zn、As、Se、Pb和S元素的富集因子大于100,主要来自于人为排放,部分城市的Cd和As元素浓度超标,所有城市的Cr元素浓度均超标;各城市的OC/EC比值为4.96~11.60,说明有明显的二次有机颗粒物生成.模拟结果显示,PM2.5本地排放贡献为10%~47%,外地贡献为15%~68%,"2+26"城市以外区域的贡献为14%~53%;民用源、工业源、农业源、交通源、电力源的贡献分别为43.70%±5.94%、29.29%±4.93%、9.68%±1.09%、9.19%±1.69%、6.27%±1.37%.本研究表明,针对颗粒物主要组分OC、NO3-、SO42-、NH4+的前体物,开展民用源和工业源的减排及城市间的协同控制,才有可能达到理想的区域PM2.5控制效果.
  • Abstract:Particulate matter pollution in "2+26" cities is serious, and the interaction between cities is significant. Research on the characteristics and source apportionment of atmospheric particulate matter in this region can provide scientific support for the fine control of air pollution and the coordinated control between cities. In this paper, the PM2.5 composition data of a particulate matter pollution episode in "2+26" cities from December 16 to 23, 2016 were analyzed, and the source of PM2.5 was analyzed by using the air quality model CAMx-PSAT. The results showed that the maximum daily concentration of PM2.5 in Yangquan was 137 μg·m-3, reaching moderate pollution. Changzhi, Taiyuan and Binzhou was 235, 188 and 226 μg·m-3 respectively, reaching heavy pollution. The values of other cities exceed 250 μg·m-3, reaching serious pollution. The four groups with the highest content were OC, NO3-, SO42- and NH4+, accounting for 19.38%±4.37%, 18.20%±3.14%, 16.83%±3.55% and 10.35%±1.64% on average. The proportion of NO3- was higher than that of SO42-. The enrichment factors of Cl, Cd, Sn, Cu, Zn, As, Se, Pb and S elements are more than 100, mainly due to anthropogenic emissions. The concentration of Cd and As in some cities exceeds the standard, and Cr in all cities exceeds the standard. The ratio of OC to EC in each city was 4.96~11.60, and there was significant generation of secondary organic particles. The simulation results show that the contribution of PM2.5 local emissions is 10%~47%, non-local cities is 15%~68%, and that of outside "2+26" cities area is 14%~53%. The average contributions of residential, industry, agriculture, transportation and power were 43.70%±5.94%, 29.29%±4.93%, 9.68%±1.09%, 9.19%±1.69% and 6.27%±1.37%, respectively. This study shows that only when the precursors of OC, NO3-, SO42- and NH4+, the main components of particulate matter, are reduced from civil and industrial sources and coordinated control between cities, can the desired regional PM2.5 control effect be achieved.

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