
  • 宗雪梅.大气红外辐射超高光谱探测仪临边探测—污染气体的反演精度和光谱通道评估[J].环境科学学报,2020,40(4):1410-1421

  • 大气红外辐射超高光谱探测仪临边探测—污染气体的反演精度和光谱通道评估
  • Inversion accuracy and spectral channel evaluation of atmospheric polluted gases of atmospheric infrared radiation ultra-high detector under limb sounding
  • 基金项目:国家重点研发计划(No.2016YFB0500602);国家自然科学基金面上项目(No.41675032)
  • 作者
  • 单位
  • 宗雪梅
  • 中国科学院大气物理研究所, 北京 100029
  • 摘要:利用RFM模式,模拟计算了在研仪器—大气红外辐射超高光谱探测仪的临边探测模式下大气污染气体体积混合比的权重函数.结合仪器的可探测亮温阈值(0.3 K),利用权重函数线性化方法,计算并分析了6种大气状态下,气体混合比廓线在不同反演精度条件下可获得的光谱通道数随切点高度的变化,并给出了可用光谱通道在不同切点高度的位置.结果表明,随着相对反演精度的降低,可用光谱通道数量增加,除热带大气外,其它5种大气在10%臭氧反演精度和5%甲烷反演精度条件下有足够的通道,可用于反演4.6 km以上的混合比廓线.CO在15%反演精度条件下,6种大气均能获得反演6.9 km以上廓线的光谱通道.近地面切点高度反演比较困难,很难获得较高的反演精度.可用光谱通道位置与气体吸收线位置特别是峰值区域一致,也与气体模拟亮温高值区一致.
  • Abstract:By using the RFM (Reference Forward Model) model, the weighting functions of atmospheric gases with given volume mixing ratios (VMR) to the limb atmospheric infrared radiation measurements are simulated. Given the instrument's brightness temperature detection precision is 0.3 K, the weighting function linearization method is used to estimate spectral channel numbers available for retrieval under six standard atmospheres, which depends on inversion precisions, the tangent heights and the position of the spectral channels. The results show that as the relative inversion precision decreases, the number of available spectral channels increases. Except the tropical atmosphere, the other five atmospheres have sufficient channels to retrieve the volume mixing ratio profile above 4.6 km for 10% ozone inversion accuracy and 5% methane inversion accuracy. Under 15% inversion accuracy of CO, the spectral channels can be obtained for the profile inversion above 6.9 km for all six atmospheres. It is difficult to retrieve the tangent heights near-surface with high inversion accuracy. The available spectral channel position is consistent with the gas absorption line position, especially the peak region, and also with the high value region of simulated bright temperature.

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