
  • 马建华,董运武,陈彦芳.开封市周边地区地表灰尘重金属背景值研究[J].环境科学学报,2020,40(5):1798-1806

  • 开封市周边地区地表灰尘重金属背景值研究
  • Background values of heavy metals in surface dusts in the vicinity of Kaifeng, Henan Province
  • 基金项目:国家自然科学基金(No.41807358,U1804110);河南省重大科技专项(No.181100310600)
  • 作者
  • 单位
  • 马建华
  • 1. 黄河中下游数字地理技术教育部重点实验室(河南大学), 开封 475001;2. 黄河文明传承与现代文明建设协同创新中心, 开封 475001
  • 董运武
  • 嵩县生态环境局, 嵩县 471400
  • 陈彦芳
  • 1. 黄河中下游数字地理技术教育部重点实验室(河南大学), 开封 475001;2. 黄河文明传承与现代文明建设协同创新中心, 开封 475001
  • 摘要:长期以来国内外学者大多以研究地区所在行政区、全国或全球土壤元素背景值或上地壳元素丰度作为标准,评价地表灰尘重金属积累与污染状况.但某区域的灰尘重金属背景值与所在地区的土壤背景值是否存在差别?迄今为止尚未见到这方面的研究报道.基于此,本研究在河南省东部黄淮平原开封市周边地区10个县(市)约2×104 km2范围内,用网格法随机采集灰尘样品96份,用ICP-MS法和AFS法测定11种重金属含量.按照Dixon检验法剔除重金属离群值,用偏度-峰度法和Q-Q图示法检验数据分布类型,根据常规方法确定各个重金属的背景值,并开展灰尘重金属背景值与其上地壳丰度、中国潮土背景值及河南省土壤背景值对比分析.结果表明,灰尘Hg、As、Cd、Cr、Pb、Cu、Zn、Ni、Co、Sb和V背景值分别为0.022、8.04、0.30、46.51、24.58、20.54、77.21、26.21、9.72、1.27和84.33 mg·kg-1.灰尘重金属背景值与上地壳重金属丰度、中国潮土背景值及河南省土壤背景值都存在一定差异.与河南省土壤元素背景值相比,灰尘Cd、Pb和Zn背景值较高,其中,Cd属极强差异,Pb和Zn属中等差异;灰尘Hg、As和Cr背景值较低,都属强差异;土壤和灰尘Cu、Sb、V、Ni和Co背景值差别不明显,均属弱差异.
  • Abstract:For a long time, most researchers at home and abroad used the background values of soil heavy metals in the studied administrative regions, countries, and the world, or the abundances of the upper crust (AUC) as the reference criteria to evaluate the accumulation and pollution of heavy metals in dusts. However, are there differences between the background values of heavy metals in dusts and soils? So far, there is still no research report on this aspect. In the 10 counties (an area of 2×104 km2) around Kaifeng City located in the eastern part of Huanghuai Plain, Henan Province, 96 dust samples were collected randomly with the grid method. The concentrations of eleven heavy metals in dust samples were determined with ICP-MS(Inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry) and AFS(Atomic fluorescence spectrometry). The outliers of heavy metal concentrations were eliminated by the Dixon Test, and the data distribution types were tested by skewness-kurtosis method and Q-Q diagram method. Then, the background values of heavy metals in dusts were calculated with the conventional method, and comparisons with their AUC, background values in the fluvo-aquic soil of China (BVFSC) and the background values in soils of Henan Province (BVSHP) were carried out. The results show that the background values of Hg, As, Cd, Cr, Pb, Cu, Zn, Ni, Co, Sb and V in dusts are 0.022, 8.04, 0.30, 46.51, 24.58, 20.54, 77.21, 26.21, 9.72, 1.27 and 84.33 mg·kg-1, respectively, which are different from AUC, BVFSC and BVSHP. The background values of Cd, Pb and Zn in dusts are higher than those of BVSHP. According to the absolute difference ratio, the background value of Cd between dusts and BVSHP belongs to very strong difference, Pb and Zn belongs to moderate differences. The background values of Hg, As, and Cr in dusts are lower than those of BVSHP, belonging to strong differences. However, no much significant differences of the background values of Cu, Sb, V, Ni and Co exist between dusts and BVSHP, which belongs to slight differences.

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