
  • 姬嘉琳,马伊澜,王姗姗,龙文琪,王克,张瑞芹.工业园区能量梯级利用节能减排效益分析及其对城市空气质量影响评估[J].环境科学学报,2020,40(5):1884-1893

  • 工业园区能量梯级利用节能减排效益分析及其对城市空气质量影响评估
  • Analysis of energy saving and emission reduction benefits of energy cascade utilization in an industrial park and its impact on urban air quality
  • 基金项目:河南省工业园区循环低碳发展评估与升级方案:永城经济技术开发区案例研究(No.G-1709-26857);能源基金会资助项目
  • 作者
  • 单位
  • 姬嘉琳
  • 郑州大学化学学院, 环境科学研究院, 郑州 450001
  • 马伊澜
  • 郑州大学化学学院, 环境科学研究院, 郑州 450001
  • 王姗姗
  • 郑州大学化学学院, 环境科学研究院, 郑州 450001
  • 龙文琪
  • 郑州大学化学学院, 环境科学研究院, 郑州 450001
  • 王克
  • 郑州大学化学学院, 环境科学研究院, 郑州 450001
  • 张瑞芹
  • 郑州大学化学学院, 环境科学研究院, 郑州 450001
  • 摘要:工业园区由于资源能源消耗和污染排放总量大,能量梯级利用水平普遍较低,在我国推进生态文明建设的过程中受到了重点关注.本研究以河南省一个典型的高能耗工业园区(永城经济技术开发区)为研究对象,对能量梯级利用措施带来的节能效果和大气污染物减排效益进行了定量的研究,并且结合CALPUFF模型分析园区能量梯级利用措施对周边城市大气环境质量的影响.结果表明:①通过应用能量梯级利用措施,有效地提高了能源的使用效率,并减少了SO2、NOx以及颗粒物等主要大气污染物的排放量.园区12条能量梯级利用链条的节能总量为10000 TJ, SO2和NOx排放量分别减少为611 t和1407 t, PM10 和PM2.5分别减少为82 t和45 t.②CALPUFF模拟结果显示园区采用能量梯级利用措施在一定程度上改善了城市大气环境的空气质量.永城市2017年4种污染物的最大1 h平均浓度在有能量梯级利用措施情景(S2)下和无能量梯级利用情景(S1)相比均有所降低,其中NOx降幅最为明显,在春秋两季为70 μg·m-3左右.
  • Abstract:Due to the large amount of energy consumption and air pollution discharge, industrial parks have drawn more and more attention in the process of promoting ecological civilization construction in China. However, the energy cascade utilization in industrial parks is still in the initial stage, so it is urgent to evaluate the environmental impacts of energy cascading measures. This study took Yongcheng Economic and Technological Development Zone, a typical high-energy industrial park in Henan Province, as the research object. The energy saving and air pollutant emission reduction benefits brought by the energy cascade utilization measures were quantitatively assessed, and the corresponding impacts on urban air quality were evaluated through CALPUFF model. The results show that:① The energy cascade utilization is proven to bring significant benefits on energy saving and air pollutant mitigation in the industrial park. The total energy conservation of energy cascading measures in the industrial park is 10000 TJ, while the emission reductions of SO2, NOx, PM10 and PM2.5 are 611, 1407, 82 and 45 tons, respectively. ② The CALPUFF model results show that energy cascade utilization can improve the surrounding urban air quality to some extent. The maximum 1-hour average concentration of air pollutants in Yongcheng city under the energy cascade utilization scenario (S2) in 2017 is lower than the non-energy cascade utilization scenario (S1), with NOx concentration reduction of 70 μg·m-3 in spring and autumn.

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