
  • 阿迪拉·阿力木江,蒋平,董虹佳,胡彪.推广新能源汽车碳减排和大气污染控制的协同效益研究——以上海市为例[J].环境科学学报,2020,40(5):1873-1883

  • 推广新能源汽车碳减排和大气污染控制的协同效益研究——以上海市为例
  • Synergy and co-benefits of reducing CO2 and air pollutant emissions by promoting new energy vehicles: A case of Shanghai
  • 基金项目:国家自然科学基金项目(No.71774033)
  • 作者
  • 单位
  • 阿迪拉·阿力木江
  • 1. 复旦大学环境科学与工程系, 上海 200433;2. 复旦大学复旦丁铎尔中心, 上海 200433
  • 蒋平
  • 1. 复旦大学环境科学与工程系, 上海 200433;2. 复旦大学复旦丁铎尔中心, 上海 200433
  • 董虹佳
  • 1. 复旦大学环境科学与工程系, 上海 200433;2. 复旦大学复旦丁铎尔中心, 上海 200433
  • 胡彪
  • 1. 复旦大学环境科学与工程系, 上海 200433;2. 复旦大学复旦丁铎尔中心, 上海 200433
  • 摘要:随着我国机动车数量的持续增长,交通运输行业已经成为仅次于工业部门的第二大能源消费部门,也是温室气体排放和空气污染物的主要贡献部门.为了支持低碳发展,自2009年起,中国便开始使用新能源汽车取代传统燃油汽车.通过上海市2016年纯电动和插电式混合动力的私家车、出租车和公交车的行驶情况、能源消耗和排放因子等数据,对新能源汽车运行过程以及所需电能生产过程中产生的大气污染物和CO2的排放量进行了测算,利用协同控制坐标系评价和污染物减排量交叉弹性分析方法探讨了新能源汽车的协同减排能力与效果.基于协同效益潜力分析结果,对推广3类新能源汽车的协同效益进行了排序,结果表明纯电动公交车具有最佳的碳减排和大气污染控制协同效益,纯电动以及插电式混合动力私家车和出租车对CO、NOx、NMHC、PM10都具有协同效益,而插电式混合动力公交车不具备协同效益.
  • Abstract:With the growing number of vehicles on the road in China, the transport sector has become the second largest consumer of energy, after the industrial sector, and has become the main source of air pollutants and greenhouse gas emissions. To support low-carbon development, since 2009, new energy vehicles have been used to replace traditional fuel vehicles in China. In this study, the synergy and co-benefits of reducing CO2 and air pollutant emissions by using electric and plug-in hybrid electric private cars, taxis, and buses in Shanghai are analyzed. The co-control coordinate system and pollutant reduction cross-elasticity (Elsa/b) are used to identify and evaluate the generated co-benefits. Based on the results, the co-benefits achieved by promoting three new energy vehicles are ranked in the paper, it shows that electric buses provide the highest co-benefits of carbon reduction and air pollution control. In addition, electric and plug-in hybrid electric private cars and taxis also provide the co-benefits of reducing CO, NOx, NMHC, and PM10 emissions. Plug-in hybrid buses do not have the co-benefits.

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