• 韩文亮,陈海明,董娟娟.电脑散热风扇灰尘中多溴二苯醚的污染特征和环境健康风险评价[J].环境科学学报,2020,40(9):3190-3203

  • 电脑散热风扇灰尘中多溴二苯醚的污染特征和环境健康风险评价
  • Contamination characteristics and environmental health risk assessment of polybrominated diphenyl ethers in dust from cooling fans in computers
  • 基金项目:国家自然科学基金(No.41203077);福建省自然科学基金(No.2018J01065)
  • 作者
  • 单位
  • 韩文亮
  • 华侨大学化工学院环境科学与工程系, 厦门 361021
  • 陈海明
  • 华侨大学化工学院环境科学与工程系, 厦门 361021
  • 董娟娟
  • 华侨大学化工学院环境科学与工程系, 厦门 361021
  • 摘要:以多溴二苯醚(PBDEs)为阻燃剂的电器的使用是室内灰尘中PBDEs的一个重要来源,其中,电脑是人们日常使用时间较长的电子设备之一.采集了主要电脑厂商过去十年间生产的笔记本和台式机内置散热风扇处的灰尘,研究了灰尘中PBDEs的含量、组成、来源及人体暴露量,并评价了其环境健康风险.结果表明,各主流品牌电脑均有部分样品∑PBDEs含量较高,显示其可能都曾使用PBDEs作为阻燃剂.组成上,笔记本和台式机均以BDE-209为主(笔记本:89.4%,台式机:93.3%).53%的笔记本(19/36)和台式机(10/19)灰尘中∑PBDEs与室内降尘对照样的比值>1.其中,8台笔记本和2台台式机的比值>10(77±99和53±61),表明部分电脑的组件中添加了PBDEs,其运行使用是室内环境中PBDEs的来源之一.人体通过灰尘摄入途径暴露于电脑释放源∑PBDEs的非致癌风险(HI)和BDE-209的致癌风险(CR)均比呼吸暴露途径高1~2个数量级,显示灰尘摄入在人体对电脑等室内PBDEs释放源的暴露中扮演主要角色.各暴露途径的暴露量均低于RfD,HI > 1和CR > 10-6(可接受致癌风险的上限)的超标概率均小于0.000%,显示人体通过灰尘摄入和呼吸途径暴露于电脑释放源PBDEs的环境健康风险低,但由于人体对PBDEs暴露途径的多样性,其叠加后的暴露量和健康风险仍需进一步研究评估.BDE-209是我国人体经灰尘摄入和呼吸途径暴露于电脑释放源PBDEs的首要同系物.主要低溴BDE的暴露风险随溴代数降低而增加,BDE-209漫长复杂的自然降解所产生低溴BDE的环境健康风险值得继续关注.
  • Abstract:The use of electronic devices with polybrominated diphenyl ethers (PBDEs) as flame retardants is an important source of PBDEs in indoor dust. Among them, computers are one of the electronic appliances that people use for a long time in daily life. Dust samples were collected at the built-in cooling fans of laptops and desktops produced by major computer manufacturers in the past decade, and contents, compositions, sources, and human exposure to PBDEs in the dust from computer cooling fans were studied, and their environmental health risks were evaluated. Results showed that every mainstream brand computers had some samples with relatively higher contents of ∑PBDEs, indicating that all of them may had used PBDEs as flame retardants. In terms of PBDEs congener profiles, both laptops and desktops were dominated by BDE-209 (laptops:89.4%, desktops:93.3%). The ratios of ∑PBDEs in 53% of laptops (19/36) and desktops (10/19) dust to indoor dustfall controls were greater than 1. Among them, the ratios of 8 laptops and 2 desktops were greater than 10 (77±99 and 53±61), indicating that components in some computers were added with PBDEs, and their usage was one of the sources of PBDEs in the indoor environments. The non-carcinogenic risk hazards indexes (HI) of human exposure to ∑PBDEs and the carcinogenic risks (CR) of BDE-209 released from computers sources via dust ingestion route were both 1~2 orders of magnitude higher than respiratory exposure route, indicating that dust ingestion played a major role in the human exposure to indoor PBDEs release sources such as computers, etc. The exposure amounts of each exposure route were lower than RfD, and the probabilities of HI > 1 and CR > 10-6 (the upper limit of acceptable carcinogenic risk) were both less than 0.000%, indicating that the human body's exposure to computer-derived PBDEs through dust ingestion and respiratory routes had low environmental health risks. However, due to the variety of human daily exposure routes to PBDEs, the superimposed exposure and environmental health risks still merit further investigation and evaluation. BDE-209 was the primary homologue of human exposure to PBDEs released by computers through dust ingestion and respiratory exposure. The exposure risks of the principal lower brominated BDE increased with the reduction of bromination numbers. Therefore, the environmental health risks of lower brominated BDE derived from the long and complicated natural degradation of BDE-209 deserve continued attention.

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