
  • 王钧霞,喻庆国,李波,张银烽,罗旭,尹捷,欧阳敏.剑湖沉积物、间隙水、鱼体砷汞分布及风险评价[J].环境科学学报,2020,40(8):3040-3052

  • 剑湖沉积物、间隙水、鱼体砷汞分布及风险评价
  • Distribution characteristics and risk assessments of arsenic and mercury in sediment, interstitial water and fish bodies in Jianhu Lake
  • 基金项目:云南省科技计划农业联合面上项目(No.2017FG001-018)
  • 作者
  • 单位
  • 王钧霞
  • 西南林业大学, 国家高原湿地研究中心, 湿地学院, 昆明 650224
  • 喻庆国
  • 西南林业大学, 国家高原湿地研究中心, 湿地学院, 昆明 650224
  • 李波
  • 广东工业大学, 环境生态工程研究院, 广州 510006
  • 张银烽
  • 西南林业大学, 国家高原湿地研究中心, 湿地学院, 昆明 650224
  • 罗旭
  • 西南林业大学, 林学院, 昆明 650224
  • 尹捷
  • 西南林业大学, 国家高原湿地研究中心, 湿地学院, 昆明 650224
  • 欧阳敏
  • 西南林业大学, 国家高原湿地研究中心, 湿地学院, 昆明 650224
  • 摘要:为了解剑湖沉积物、间隙水、鱼体中砷(As)和汞(Hg)含量特征,评价其风险,使用双道原子荧光光度计测定了剑湖表层沉积物、间隙水、鱼体中As和Hg含量,并利用潜在生态风险指数法、目标危险系数法、致癌风险指数等评价了其风险状况.结果表明:①剑湖表层沉积物中As、Hg平均含量分别为(12.62±0.66)mg·kg-1和(0.050±0.002)mg·kg-1,As含量呈东高西低的分布特征,Hg含量呈北部高、中南部湖区低的分布特征.剑湖流域内农地对剑湖As含量影响较大,流域煤炭开采与堆积、水泥加工对剑湖Hg含量分布影响较大.②间隙水中As、Hg平均含量分别为(0.64±0.03)μg·L-1和(0.020±0.001)μg·L-1,As含量在湖区内呈东高西低的分布特征,Hg含量最高值出现在湖心区.③6种鱼体中As、Hg含量平均值分别为(0.21±0.04)mg·kg-1和(0.020±0.003)mg·kg-1,两者分布在食性方面均呈现杂食性>草食性特征,在活动范围上呈底栖 > 中层 > 上层特征.④据相关性分析可知,As、Hg各自在间隙水和表层沉积物中的含量呈显著正相关(r>0.5,p<0.01),6种鱼体As、Hg含量也呈显著正相关(r=0.92,p<0.05).⑤沉积物样品中As均为轻微风险,Hg元素除部分样点(19.35%)为中度风险外其余为轻微风险,因此,需要对Hg进行重点防控.剑湖所选食用鱼体目标危险系数值均小于1,表明其不会对人类健康造成潜在非致癌危害;剑湖鱼体As元素存在一定的潜在致癌风险,但尚在人体可接受范围内.
  • Abstract:To understand the characteristics of arsenic (As) and mercury (Hg) concentrations in sediments, interstitial water, and fish bodies in Jianhu Lake and to further reveal their risks, the concentrations of As and Hg were determined by two-channel atomic fluorescence spectrometer, and their risk statuses were assessed by the potential ecological risk index method, the target hazard quotients method, and the carcinogenic risk indices. The results were shown as follows: ① The average concentrations of As and Hg in the surface sediments of Jianhu Lake were (12.62±0.66) mg·kg-1 and (0.050±0.002) mg·kg-1, respectively. The concentration of As in sediments was high in the east and low in the west, and the concentration of Hg was high in the north and low in the mid-south lake. The agricultural land in basin had a great influence on the As concentrations in Jianhu Lake, while the mining and accumulation of coal and the processing of cement in basin had a great influence on Hg distribution in Jianhu Lake. ② The average concentrations of As and Hg in the interstitial water were (0.64±0.03) μg·L-1 and (0.020±0.001) μg·L-1, respectively. The concentration of As in interstitial water of sediments was high in the east and low in the west, and the highest concentration of Hg was found near the central lake. ③ The average concentrations of As and Hg in fish bodies from six species were (0.21±0.04) mg·kg-1 and (0.020±0.003) mg·kg-1, respectively, showing the characteristics of omnivorous>herbivorous in term of diet, and benthic > middle > upper layer in term of range of motion. ④ According to the correlation analysis, As and Hg concentration had significant positive correlation in interstitial water and surface sediments (r>0.5, p<0.01), respectively, and As and Hg in fish bodies from six species also had significant positive correlation (r=0.92, p<0.05). ⑤ While the risk of As in sediments was slight, the risk of Hg in some sampling points (19.35%) was moderate and in another places was slight. Therefore, key prevention and control shall be implemented for Hg in Jianhu Lake sediments. Target hazard quotients method values of edible fish bodies were less than 1, indicating that As and Hg in fish bodies will not cause potential non-carcinogenic harm to human health. As element in fish bodies had potential carcinogenic risk, but it was at an acceptable level for human body.

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