
  • 陈乃华,杨育姗,邓以勤,杨玉香,胡宝叶,游建勇,林浩然.海峡西岸清洁岛屿秋季VOCs特征及来源解析[J].环境科学学报,2020,40(12):4400-4409

  • 海峡西岸清洁岛屿秋季VOCs特征及来源解析
  • Characteristics and source apportionment of VOCs on a clean island city along the West Coast of the Taiwan Straits
  • 基金项目:
  • 作者
  • 单位
  • 陈乃华
  • 福建省平潭环境监测中心站, 平潭 350400
  • 杨育姗
  • 福建省平潭环境监测中心站, 平潭 350400
  • 邓以勤
  • 平潭综合实验区气象局, 平潭 350400
  • 杨玉香
  • 福建省平潭环境监测中心站, 平潭 350400
  • 胡宝叶
  • 1. 中国科学院城市环境研究所, 中国科学院大气环境研究卓越创新中心, 厦门 361021;2. 中国科学院城市环境研究所, 城市环境与健康重点实验室, 厦门 361021;3. 中国科学院大学, 北京 100049
  • 游建勇
  • 福建省平潭环境监测中心站, 平潭 350400
  • 林浩然
  • 福建省平潭环境监测中心站, 平潭 350400
  • 摘要:挥发性有机物(VOCs)是臭氧(O3)和二次有机气溶胶(SOA)的重要前体物.为夯实国内海岛背景点VOCs监测,研究海峡西岸清洁岛屿平潭VOCs污染特征及来源,探索化学二次生成对清洁岛屿O3的影响,于2018年秋季,对平潭大气VOCs进行了监测研究.结果表明,平潭2018年秋季VOCs浓度为1.94~52.12 μg·m-3,平均值为15.54 μg·m-3,烷烃占比最高(66.02%),乙烷为浓度的最大物种,达到6.82 μg·m-3.平潭秋季VOCs浓度日变化呈双峰型,表现出典型的人类活动相关性.经比较甲苯/苯(T/B)可知,平潭秋季VOCs来源主要是交通排放及燃料蒸发.利用正交矩阵分解(PMF)源解析发现,汽车尾气(72.8%)、船舶排放(12.4%)、生物质燃烧(8.7%)、工业排放和溶剂使用(3.5%)和燃料蒸发(2.6%)是平潭VOCs的五大来源.平潭秋季VOCs的O3生成潜势(OFP)差异较大,其中,烯烃(62.6%) > 烷烃(24.7%) > 芳香烃(12.7%).当平潭O3属于VOCs控制型时,控制大气中烯烃的浓度可一定程度上防治平潭O3的污染.
  • Abstract:Volatile organic compounds (VOCs) are the important precursors of ozone (O3) and secondary organic aerosols (SOA). To consolidate the monitoring of VOCs in the background site of islands in China, pollution characteristics and sources of VOCs as well as their impacts on the formation of ozone in Pingtan in autumn 2018 were investigated. The results showed that the concentration of VOCs ranged from 1.94 to 52.12 μg·m-3, with an average of 15.54 μg·m-3. Alkanes accounted for the highest proportion (66.02%) of total VOCs, and ethane was the most abundant specie with the concentration of 6.82 μg·m-3. The diurnal variation of VOCs concentration showed a bimodal pattern, indicating the influence of human activities. The main sources of VOCs were traffic emission and fuel evaporation by analyzing the ratio of toluene to benzene (T/B). The five main sources of VOCs, including vehicle exhaust (72.8%), ship emissions (12.4%), biomass combustion (8.7%), industrial emissions and solvent use (3.5%), and fuel evaporation (2.6%) were identified through the Positive Matrix Factorization (PMF) model analysis. The contribution of different types of VOCs to ozone formation potential (OFP) appeared with the order: olefin (62.6%) > alkane (24.7%) > aromatic hydrocarbon (12.7%). While the O3 pollution was mainly VOC-limited, controlling the emissions of olefin might reduce the concentration of O3 to a certain extent.

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