• 高云霓,武静,刘占杰,张方,杨惠,张曼,董静,李学军.植物化感物质壬酸和焦酚对大型溞生长繁殖的毒性效应[J].环境科学学报,2021,41(2):689-695

  • 植物化感物质壬酸和焦酚对大型溞生长繁殖的毒性效应
  • The toxicity effects of plant allelochemicals including nonanoic acid and pyrogallol on the growth and reproduction of Daphnia magna
  • 基金项目:国家自然科学基金(No.31700405);河南省科技攻关项目(No.202102310272,202102310028);河南师范大学培育项目(No.校20180073)
  • 作者
  • 单位
  • 高云霓
  • 河南师范大学水产学院, 新乡 453000
  • 武静
  • 河南师范大学水产学院, 新乡 453000
  • 刘占杰
  • 河南师范大学水产学院, 新乡 453000
  • 张方
  • 河南师范大学水产学院, 新乡 453000
  • 杨惠
  • 河南师范大学水产学院, 新乡 453000
  • 张曼
  • 河南师范大学水产学院, 新乡 453000
  • 董静
  • 河南师范大学水产学院, 新乡 453000
  • 李学军
  • 河南师范大学水产学院, 新乡 453000
  • 摘要:为评估植物化感抑藻物质的生态安全性,通过48 h急性毒性实验和21 d慢性毒性实验,研究了穗花狐尾藻(Myriophyllum spicatum)典型化感物质壬酸和焦酚对大型溞(Daphnia magna)生长和繁殖的毒性效应.结果显示,壬酸对大型溞24 h和48 h的LC50分别为75.08 mg·L-1和38.55 mg·L-1,焦酚对大型溞24 h和48 h的LC50分别为18.89 mg·L-1和13.71 mg·L-1.21 d慢性毒性实验中,2.0 mg·L-1的壬酸和焦酚对大型溞生长仍没有显著影响(p>0.05),但在高于0.5 mg·L-1浓度水平即显著延长大型溞首次产溞时间,降低其产溞个数(p<0.05).大型溞净增殖率和内禀增长率随壬酸和焦酚浓度增加而减小,2.0 mg·L-1壬酸和焦酚对大型溞净增殖率的抑制率分别为42.40%和38.86%,对大型溞内禀增长率的抑制率分别为25.00%和20.83%.研究表明,壬酸和焦酚对大型溞的繁殖过程产生一定程度的影响,但仍需结合原位试验在更大尺度上评估植物化感抑藻物质的生态安全性.
  • Abstract:To assess the ecological risk of utilizing plant allelochemicals as algaecides, two typical allelochemicals, nonanoic acid and pyrogallol, which are secreted by Myriophyllum spicatum, were selected. Their toxicity effects on the growth and reproduction of Daphnia magna were investigated under 48 hours acute and 21 days chronic exposure. The median lethal concentration (LC50) of nonanoic acid on D.magna were 75.08 mg·L-1 and 38.55 mg·L-1 in 24 and 48 hours respectively, while LC50 of pyrogallol were 18.89 mg·L-1 and 13.71 mg·L-1 in 24 and 48 hours respectively. In the 21 days chronic toxicity test, the growth of D.magna was not affected by 2.0 mg·L-1 of nonanoic acid and pyrogallol (p>0.05), whereas the date of first reproduction was postponed and the number of offspring of D.magna was reduced when the concentration of nonanoic acid and pyrogallol was above 0.5 mg·L-1 (p<0.05). The net reproductive rate and intrinsic growth rate of D. magna decreased as the substance concentrations increased. The inhibition ratio of nonanoic acid and pyrogallol at 2.0 mg·L-1 on the net reproduction rate of D.magna was 42.40% and 38.86%, while that for intrinsic growth rate was 25.00% and 20.83%, respectively. These results imply that nonanoic acid and pyrogallol could affect the reproduction process of D.magna to some degree. However, a larger scale and in situ test is needed to further examine the ecological risk of allelochemicals in the future study.

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