
  • 马雪柔,魏建建,马德华,王连军.臭氧化芳香族化合物中生物毒性的演变规律研究[J].环境科学学报,2021,41(3):1111-1122

  • 臭氧化芳香族化合物中生物毒性的演变规律研究
  • Evolution of biotoxicity during the ozonation of aromatics
  • 基金项目:国家自然科学基金(No.51708292)
  • 作者
  • 单位
  • 马雪柔
  • 南京理工大学环境与生物工程学院, 江苏省化工污染控制与资源化高校重点实验室, 南京 210094
  • 魏建建
  • 南京理工大学环境与生物工程学院, 江苏省化工污染控制与资源化高校重点实验室, 南京 210094
  • 马德华
  • 南京理工大学环境与生物工程学院, 江苏省化工污染控制与资源化高校重点实验室, 南京 210094
  • 王连军
  • 南京理工大学环境与生物工程学院, 江苏省化工污染控制与资源化高校重点实验室, 南京 210094
  • 摘要:臭氧工艺越来越广泛地应用于难降解废水的处理,但由于臭氧的部分氧化特性,可能会导致高毒性中间产物的生成.为了揭示臭氧工艺的生态安全性,研究了不同工艺条件下,臭氧化苯酚、邻甲酚、对甲酚、间甲酚、苯胺和对氯苯胺时急性生物毒性的变化.结果表明,尽管母体污染物与总有机碳(TOC)的浓度在臭氧化过程中持续下降,但生物毒性随着反应时间的延长而明显增加,达到最大值后下降.当初始污染物浓度增大时,臭氧化6种芳香族化合物中毒性单位最大值(TUmax)也随之增大;当臭氧剂量增大,臭氧化苯酚、间甲酚和对氯苯胺的TUmax呈下降的趋势,臭氧化邻甲酚和苯胺的TUmax呈升高的趋势,臭氧化对甲酚的TUmax变化较小;当pH从3上升到7,臭氧化4种酚类化合物时,TUmax呈下降的趋势,而当pH增大到10时,苯酚和间甲酚的TUmax又出现了升高的现象;臭氧化2种胺类化合物时,pH对TUmax的影响较小.进一步研究发现,高毒性中间产物主要是由芳香族化合物与臭氧分子反应生成的,且具有氧化性.本研究能够为臭氧工艺的安全运行提供基础数据,并有助于后续生物毒性控制工艺的开发.
  • Abstract:Ozonation has been increasingly implemented in industrial wastewater treatment for refractory contaminant degradation. Because of the partial oxidation of ozone, highly toxic intermediates might be produced. In order to assess the ecological safety of ozonation, the changes of acute biotoxicity during the ozonation of phenol, o-Cresol, p-Cresol, m-Cresol, aniline and p-Chloroaniline under different operation conditions were studied. The results indicated that although the concentrations of initial pollutant and total organic carbon(TOC) continued to decrease, the biotoxicity increased with the extension of ozonation time and decreased after reaching the maximum. As the initial pollutant concentration increased, the maximum toxicity unit (TUmax) in ozonation during 6 aromatics increased. When the applied ozone dosages increased, TUmax during ozonation of the phenol, m-Cresol and p-Chloroaniline tended to decrease, and that of o-Cresol and aniline tended to increase. Applied ozone dosages had little effect on the TUmax of p-Cresol. TUmax during the ozonation of 4 phenolics had the tendency to decrease when the initial solution pH changed from 3 to 7. But TUmax of phenol and m-Cresol increased when pH was 10. The solution pH had little effect on TUmax during the ozonation of 2 amines. Further study showed that the highly toxic intermediates were mainly produced by the reaction of aromatics with ozone molecules and had oxidizability. This study can provide basic data for the safe operation of ozonation and contribute to the subsequent development of biotoxicity control process.

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