
  • 余倩,段雷,郝吉明.中国酸沉降:来源、影响与控制[J].环境科学学报,2021,41(3):731-746

  • 中国酸沉降:来源、影响与控制
  • Acid deposition in China: Sources, effects and control
  • 基金项目:国家重点研发计划项目(No.2019YFC0214800);中国博士后科学基金(No.2020M670353)
  • 作者
  • 单位
  • 余倩
  • 清华大学环境学院, 北京 100084
  • 段雷
  • 清华大学环境学院, 北京 100084
  • 郝吉明
  • 清华大学环境学院, 北京 100084
  • 摘要:总结我国酸沉降观测与模拟、来源与影响以及控制与成效,不仅能为未来我国大气污染治理提供科学依据,也能为国际酸沉降控制提供参考.本文回顾了40年来我国酸沉降研究的发展历程,对有关酸雨时空分布特征、致酸气体排放、土壤和地表水酸化、酸化缓冲机制、临界负荷区划以及酸雨控制对策等研究进展进行综述.我国酸雨污染经历了快速发展、污染缓和、再次恶化和持续改善4个阶段,与酸性气体——二氧化硫和氮氧化物的排放趋势相一致.我国酸雨区主要分布在长江以南及青藏高原以东的广大地区以及四川盆地,而不是排放最为集中的华北地区,反映出氨气和盐基阳离子排放的较强中和作用.作为酸沉降的主要危害,我国土壤酸化严重,而地表水酸化与欧美相比并不突出,原因是盐基阳离子沉降和硫氮转化(如硫酸根吸附和反硝化等过程)提供了特别的缓冲作用.随着二氧化硫排放优先于氮氧化物得到初步控制,我国降水化学组成由硫酸型转变成硫酸-硝酸-铵混合型,从而氮沉降,特别是铵沉降对我国土壤酸化的贡献越发显现.国家“两控区”划分、大气污染物总量控制与“大气污染防治行动计划”等政策的实施,有效控制了我国酸沉降的发展,酸化的土壤和地表水开始出现恢复的趋势.
  • Abstract:Summarizing the observations and simulations, causes and effects, as well as control and efficiency of acid deposition in China, can not only provide scientific basis for future air pollution control in China, but also provide effective reference for international acid deposition control. This paper reviews the researches regarding acid deposition in China in the past 40 years, including the spatial and temporal distribution of acid rain, emission inventory of acidifying gases, soil and surface water acidification, critical load mapping, and acid rain control measures. Acid rain in China has experienced four periods, namely rapid deterioration, moderate pollution, relapse, and continuous improvement, consistent with the trends of emissions of sulfur dioxide and nitrogen oxides. The areas suffered from acid rain were mainly distributed in the south of the Yangtze River and the east of the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau, as well as the Sichuan Basin, but not in North China, where had most serious emissions of acidifying gases, but neutralization by high emissions of ammonia and base cations. As one of the main impacts of acid deposition, severe soil acidification occurred across China, while surface water acidification was not prominent in comparison with that in Europe and North America, due probably special buffering mechanisms of base cations deposition and sulfur and nitrogen transformations in ecosystem (e.g. sulfate adsorption and denitrification). With prior emission abatement of sulfur dioxide than nitrogen oxides, the pattern of acid rain changed from sulfuric acid dominant to mixture of sulfuric acid, nitric acid and ammonium. Therefore, N deposition, especially ammonium deposition, among acid deposition, had an elevated contribution to soil acidification.National emission abatement policies, such as the Two Control Zones, Total Emission Control of Air Pollutants, and Air Pollution Prevention and Control Action Plan, had effectively controlled the deterioration of acid deposition in China, with expected recovery of soil and surface water from acidification.

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