
  • 石玉飞,李胜楠,耿金菊,许柯,任洪强.发酵制药废水二级出水中溶解性有机物特性分析[J].环境科学学报,2021,41(5):1901-1909

  • 发酵制药废水二级出水中溶解性有机物特性分析
  • Characteristics of dissolved organic matter in the secondary effluent from fermentation pharmaceutical wastewater
  • 基金项目:江苏省自然科学基金(No.BK20180010);国家自然科学基金(No.51978327,21677071);水体污染控制与治理科技重大专项(No.2017ZX07202003)
  • 作者
  • 单位
  • 石玉飞
  • 南京大学环境学院, 污染控制与资源化研究国家重点实验室, 南京 210023
  • 李胜楠
  • 南京大学环境学院, 污染控制与资源化研究国家重点实验室, 南京 210023
  • 耿金菊
  • 南京大学环境学院, 污染控制与资源化研究国家重点实验室, 南京 210023
  • 许柯
  • 南京大学环境学院, 污染控制与资源化研究国家重点实验室, 南京 210023
  • 任洪强
  • 南京大学环境学院, 污染控制与资源化研究国家重点实验室, 南京 210023
  • 摘要:溶解性有机物(DOM)是发酵制药废水二级生化尾水深度处理工艺的主要去除对象,深入解析废水中DOM的特性是将其有效去除的前提和关键.本研究采集氨基酸类、头孢类、抗生素类、维生素类、阿维菌素类5种发酵制药废水二级出水,通过XAD-8树脂亲疏水性分离、凝胶色谱分子量分级、傅里叶变换红外光谱和三维荧光表征对二级出水中的DOM进行特性分析.结果表明,5种发酵制药废水二级出水的盐度和色度高,废水中有机物浓度高、波动大(48.60~245.40 mg·L-1).DOM大多数以疏水性组分为主,分子量分布广泛(210~10000 Da).二级出水DOM均含有大量的不饱和双键、苯环结构,同时含有—OH、—NH2和C=O等发色团和助色基团,造成废水色度较高.通过对发酵制药废水二级出水进行EEM-PARAFAC分析确定了4种荧光组分特征峰,包括3种腐殖质类(C1、C3、C4)和1种类蛋白类组分(C2).发酵制药废水二级出水中DOM主要是以类腐殖质有机物为主(C1、C3).全方面识别和解析发酵制药废水DOM的组成,可为废水深度处理工艺的优化提供指导.
  • Abstract:The dissolved organic matter (DOM) in the secondary effluent from fermentation pharmaceutical wastewater is a key limiting factor for wastewater reclamation and reuse. An in-depth analysis of the characteristics of DOM will help to optimize the process operation to effectively remove DOM from wastewater. In this study, secondary effluents from five kinds of fermentation pharmaceutical wastewaters including amino acids, cephalosporins, antibiotics, vitamins and abamectin, were collected to investigate the characteristics of DOM. The characteristics of DOM in secondary effluent were analyzed using XAD-8 resin, high performance liquid chromatography-size exclusion chromatography, fourier transform infrared spectroscopy and fluorescence excitation-emission matrix spectroscopy. The results showed that, the secondary effluents of fermentation pharmaceutical wastewaters exhibited high salinity and color. The concentration of organic matters in the secondary effluent were about (48.6~232.2 mg·L-1). The hydrophobic fraction was the dominant composition of DOM with the molecular weight distributed widely (210~10000 Da) in secondary effluent. DOM in secondary effluent contained a large number of unsaturated double bonds and benzene ring structures, as well as chromophore and auxiliary groups such as —OH, —NH2, and C=O, resulting in strong color of wastewater. Three humic-like substances (C1, C3 and C4) and one protein-like substance (C2) were found by EEM-PARAFAC analysis. The humic-like substances (C1 and C3) were the largest group of DOM in the secondary effluent of fermentation pharmaceutical wastewater. The comprehensive identification of DOM composition would contribute to optimize the pharmaceutical wastewater treatment process.

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