• 刘得守,李景,苏筱倩,左瑞亭.基于CAMx-OSAT方法的西宁臭氧来源解析[J].环境科学学报,2021,41(2):386-394

  • 基于CAMx-OSAT方法的西宁臭氧来源解析
  • Source apportionment of ozone in Xining using CAMx-OSAT method
  • 基金项目:西宁市网格化决策辅助系统二期拓展项目
  • 作者
  • 单位
  • 刘得守
  • 西宁市生态环境局, 西宁 810000
  • 李景
  • 西宁市生态环境局, 西宁 810000
  • 苏筱倩
  • 江苏及象生态环境研究院有限公司, 南京 210013
  • 左瑞亭
  • 1. 江苏及象生态环境研究院有限公司, 南京 210013;2. 南京雨后地软环境技术有限公司, 南京 210013
  • 摘要:利用青海省西宁市2018—2019年O3浓度高值时期监测数据,结合CAMx-OSAT方法从控制型、分类排放源、区域贡献3个方面定量剖析西宁的O3污染来源.结果表明:西宁O3浓度整体为VOCs控制,主城四区(城东区、城西区、城北区、城中区)尤其突出,且夏季较为显著;2018年和2019年VOCs的贡献占比分别为9.76%和8.91%;而周边区县由NOx和VOCs共同控制.除背景场外,工业源对西宁O3生成的贡献最高,其在2018年和2019年模拟期的贡献占比分别为52.22%和47.24%,其次为交通源.模拟期内,本地源和外地传输的贡献比值约为2:1,西宁的O3以本地生成为主.本地源中,主城四区是O3生成的主要区域来源,占比约为32.26%;外地传输中,海东是主要贡献区.因此,为降低西宁本地O3污染浓度,应在夏季日间时段控制主城区工业源及交通源的VOCs排放,并加强与海东的联防联控.
  • Abstract:The contribution of Xining ozone (O3) pollution sources from three aspects, i.e., O3 control types, source categories and source regions, was quantitatively analyzed by using a comprehensive air quality model with extensions and O3 source apportionment technology (CAMx-OSAT). This model is driven by the monitoring data of high ozone value period in Xining, Qinghai Province from 2018 to 2019. The results indicated that the O3 concentration in Xining was mainly controlled by volatile organic compounds (VOCs), especially in the main urban area, and was more significantly in summer. The contribution of VOCs in 2018 and 2019 was 9.76% and 8.91%, respectively. In the surrounding areas, O3 was jointly controlled by nitrogen oxide (NOx) and VOCs. In addition to the background, industrial sources contributed the most to the generation of Xining O3, accounting for 52.22% and 47.24% in 2018 and 2019 respectively, followed by transportation sources. During the simulation period, O3 in Xining was mainly generated locally, with the contribution ratio of local sources to external transmission to be about 2:1. The four main urban areas were the main local source regions of O3 generation, accounting for about 32.26% (excluding the background field). On the other hand, Haidong was the main contribution area for external transmission. In summary, controlling the emissions of VOCs from industry and transportation in the main urban area would be effective for reducing O3 pollution in Xining during the summer daytime.

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