
  • 徐为标,黄成,任洪娟,胡磬遥.基于远程在线监控车载终端的柴油车NOx排放等级诊断研究[J].环境科学学报,2021,41(6):2329-2339

  • 基于远程在线监控车载终端的柴油车NOx排放等级诊断研究
  • Diagnosis of NOx emission level of diesel vehicles based on remote online monitoring terminal
  • 基金项目:国家重点研发计划(No.2017YFC0212106);国家自然科学基金(No.21777101);上海市科委项目(No.18dz1203100);上海市生态环境局项目(No.沪环科2019-01号)
  • 作者
  • 单位
  • 徐为标
  • 上海工程技术大学, 机械与汽车工程学院, 上海 201620
  • 黄成
  • 上海市环境科学研究院, 国家环境保护城市大气复合污染成因与防治重点实验室, 上海 200233
  • 任洪娟
  • 上海工程技术大学, 机械与汽车工程学院, 上海 201620
  • 胡磬遥
  • 上海市环境科学研究院, 国家环境保护城市大气复合污染成因与防治重点实验室, 上海 200233
  • 摘要:远程在线监控车载终端集成了远程通讯模块、卫星定位模块、发动机OBD信息解析模块,能够实时读取车辆排放相关运行信息,但无法直接判断车辆NOx排放情况.为了快速、准确地评估车辆排放情况,诊断和监测NOx高排放车,同时为了克服有些重型柴油车监测数据中缺失进气流量、燃油流量、车速等重要的实时信息,无法计算出车辆NOx排放因子的问题.本文提出了由NOx浓度分布特征驱动的高排放重型柴油车识别算法,通过远程在线监控车载终端设备获取车辆的发动机信息和SCR系统运行信息,运用NOx浓度分布计算车辆每天NOx排放浓度占比,通过系统聚类法对车辆NOx排放浓度占比进行聚类,结果聚为优、良、中、差4类.利用车辆NOx排放浓度区间分布及其聚类结果分别作为训练集的输入和输出,选择BP神经网络作为训练算法,训练获得的模型分类准确率为90%,利用训练好的模型判断在用柴油车NOx排放等级,从而识别及监测NOx高排放车辆.研究结果可为柴油车NOx高排放诊断及监测提供依据,有助于监管部门能够快速识别NOx高排放车辆.
  • Abstract:The remote online monitoring terminal integrates a remote communication module, a satellite positioning module and an OBD information analysis module, which can read the operational information related to emissions vehicles in real time, but cannot judge NOx emissions vehicles directly. In order to assess vehicle emissions quickly and accurately, diagnose and monitor NOx high-emission vehicles, and overcome the problem of incomplete monitoring data for some heavy-duty diesel vehicles, based on the monitoring results, a recognition algorithm for high-emission heavy-duty diesel vehicles classified by NOx concentration distribution characteristics was proposed. In this article,vehicle engine information and SCR system operation information were obtained by the remote online monitoring terminal.The NOx concentration distribution was used to calculate daily NOx emission concentration ratio of vehicles. The systematic clustering method was used to cluster NOx emission concentration ratio of vehicles, and the results were classified into four categories:excellent, good, medium and poor. The distribution of vehicle NOx emission concentration and its clustered results were used as the input and output of the training set, and BP neural network was selected as the training algorithm. The classification accuracy of the trained model was 90%, and the trained model was used to judge the NOx emission level of diesel vehicles in use, which was used to identify and monitor NOx high-emission vehicles. The research results are intended to provide a basis for the diagnosis and monitoring of diesel vehicles with high NOx emissions, and help regulatory agencies to identify vehicles with high NOx emissions quickly.

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