
  • 吴欢欢,刘玉萍,刘李凌君,刘元海,刘蓓,郑彤,王鹏.哈尔滨市秸秆焚烧大气污染负荷估算方法研究[J].环境科学学报,2020,40(10):3803-3812

  • 哈尔滨市秸秆焚烧大气污染负荷估算方法研究
  • Estimation method of air pollution load of straw burning in Harbin
  • 基金项目:国家重点研发计划(No.2017YFC0212305)
  • 作者
  • 单位
  • 吴欢欢
  • 1. 哈尔滨工业大学, 哈尔滨 150090;2. 中建三局工程设计有限公司, 武汉 430064
  • 刘玉萍
  • 黑龙江省环境科学研究院, 哈尔滨 150056
  • 刘李凌君
  • 哈尔滨工业大学, 哈尔滨 150090
  • 刘元海
  • 黑龙江省环境监测中心站, 哈尔滨 150056
  • 刘蓓
  • 哈尔滨工业大学, 哈尔滨 150090
  • 郑彤
  • 哈尔滨工业大学, 哈尔滨 150090
  • 王鹏
  • 哈尔滨工业大学, 哈尔滨 150090
  • 摘要:本文针对近些年哈尔滨秋末冬初大气污染程度增加的溯源问题,基于静风污染气象及降雪对秸秆焚烧的影响等基本假设,采用箱式模型和优化拟合的方法对秸秆焚烧产生污染物的源强及其负荷进行了估算.通过对2015年和2017年典型时段数据的优化拟合得到降雪前重污染天气下PM10排放源强分别为20.16、21.83 μg·m-2·s-1,CO的排放源强分别为149.32、138.65 mg·m-2·s-1;降雪后重污染天气下PM10排放源强分别为15.98、7.09 μg·m-2·s-1,CO的排放源强分别为122.91、89.21 mg·m-2·s-1.由降雪前后各污染物的源强差得到2015年和2017年秸秆焚烧产生的PM10的排放源强分别为4.18、14.74 μg·m-2·s-1,负荷分别为20.73%、67.52%;CO的排放源强分别为26.41、49.44 mg·m-2·s-1,负荷分别为17.69%、35.66%.本文为相关清单的研究提供了一种客观的校核方法,具有重要的社会、环境及现实意义.
  • Abstract:This paper is aimed at the traceability of the increasing air pollution in late autumn and early winter in Harbin, based on the basic hypothesis of the effects of calm weather and snowfall on straw burning, the air box model and fitting optimization method were used to estimate the pollution emission intensity and the contribution rate of the contaminants produced by straw burning. By fitting the data for the typical time periods of 2015 and 2017, the emission intensity of PM10 is 20.16 and 21.83 μg·m-2·s-1 and the CO is 149.32 and 138.65 mg·m-2·s-1 before snowfall; The emission intensity of PM10 is 15.98 and 7.09 μg·m-2·s-1, the CO is 122.91 and 89.21 mg·m-2·s-1 after snowfall. The emission intensity of PM10 produced by straw burning is 4.18 and 14.74 μg·m-2·s-1and the CO is 26.41 and 49.44 mg·m-2·s-1. The contribution of PM10 produced by straw burning in heavy pollution weather is 20.73% and 67.52%, for CO is 17.69% and 35.66%. This paper provides an objective checking method for studying the relevant emission inventory, which has important social, environmental and practical significance.

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