
  • 周雅心,陈钰,郑毅,林少颖,许旭萍,王晓彤,王维奇.中国典型滨海湿地转变为养殖塘对土壤细菌多样性及群落结构的影响[J].环境科学学报,2021,41(6):2402-2413

  • 中国典型滨海湿地转变为养殖塘对土壤细菌多样性及群落结构的影响
  • Effect of China's typical coastal wetlands conversion into aquaculture pond on the soil bacterial diversity and community structure
  • 基金项目:国家自然科学基金(No.42077086);福建省高校杰出青年科研人才培育计划2017
  • 作者
  • 单位
  • 周雅心
  • 福建师范大学生命科学学院, 福州 350108
  • 陈钰
  • 福建师范大学生命科学学院, 福州 350108
  • 郑毅
  • 福建师范大学生命科学学院, 福州 350108
  • 林少颖
  • 福建师范大学地理研究所, 福州 350007
  • 许旭萍
  • 福建师范大学生命科学学院, 福州 350108
  • 王晓彤
  • 福建师范大学生命科学学院, 福州 350108
  • 王维奇
  • 1. 福建师范大学地理研究所, 福州 350007;2. 福建师范大学湿润亚热带生态地理过程教育部重点实验室, 福州 350007
  • 摘要:以我国黄河口碱蓬湿地、九龙江口桐花树湿地、东寨港木榄湿地为研究样地,借助高通量测序技术探究这3个典型滨海湿地转变为养殖塘前、后土壤细菌多样性及群落结构的变化.结果表明:①天然湿地转变为养殖塘后,土壤细菌群落多样性与丰富度均有所下降;②天然湿地转变为养殖塘未显著改变细菌门水平群落组成,湿地优势细菌门主要为变形菌门(Proteobacteria)、绿弯菌门(Chloroflexi)、拟杆菌门(Bacteroidetes)、酸杆菌门(Acidobacteria)、厚壁菌门(Firmicutes);③天然湿地转变为养殖塘改变了土壤优势细菌属,九龙江口和东寨港湿地转变后,寡养单胞菌属(Stenotrophomonas)相对丰度均有所升高,东寨港湿地转变后土壤中假单胞菌属(Pseudomonas)相对丰度也有所增加,并新增了气单胞菌属(Aeromonas);4环境因子对湿地土壤细菌相对丰度有显著影响,寡养单胞菌属(Stenotrophomonas)与含水量呈显著负相关(p<0.05),与容重和pH呈显著正相关(p<0.01);SulfurimonasWoeseia等细菌属与土壤容重呈显著负相关(p<0.01).由此可见,湿地围垦养殖对土壤微环境产生了较大影响,养殖户在进行养殖作业时需格外注重生态环境的健康与可持续发展.
  • Abstract:In this study, Suaeda salsa wetland in the Yellow River Estuary, Aegiceras coniculatum wetland in Jiulong River Estuary, and Bruguiera gymnorrhiza wetland in Dongzhai Port were used as the research sample sites. High-throughput sequencing technology was used to explore the changes in soil bacterial diversity and community structure before and after the conversion of these three typical coastal wetlands into aquaculture ponds. The results showed that:①After the conversion of natural wetlands into aquaculture ponds, the diversity and abundance of soil bacterial communities had declined. ②The conversion of natural wetlands into aquaculture ponds did not significantly change the community composition of the bacterial phyla. The main phyla of dominant in wetlands were:Proteobacteria, Chloroflexi, Bacteroidetes, Acidobacteria, Firmicutes. ③The conversion of natural wetlands to aquaculture ponds changed the dominant bacterial genera in the soil. After the conversion of Jiulong River Estuary and Dongzhai Port wetlands, the relative abundance of Stenotrophomonas increased. The conversion of Dongzhai Port wetlands increased the relative abundance of Pseudomonas in the soil and added Aeromonas. 4Environmental factors had a significant impact on the relative abundance of wetlands soil bacteria. Stenotrophomonas had significantly negative correlation with water content (p<0.05), and significantly positive correlation with bulk density and pH(p<0.01); Sulfurimonas, Woeseia and other bacterial genera had significantly negative correlation with soil bulk density (p<0.01). It can be seen that the reclamation of wetlands into aquaculture ponds had a greater impact on the soil microenvironment, and farmers need to pay special attention to the healthy and sustainable development of the ecological environment when conducting breeding operations.

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