
  • 孙小菡,张洪海,于蕾,杨剑,杨桂朋.夏季东海挥发性硫化物的空间分布与释放通量研究[J].环境科学学报,2021,41(10):4256-4267

  • 夏季东海挥发性硫化物的空间分布与释放通量研究
  • Spatial distributions and sea-to-air fluxes of volatile sulfur compounds in the East China Sea in summer
  • 基金项目:国家自然科学基金(No.41976038,41830534);国家重点研发计划项目(No.2016YFA0601300);中央高校基本科研业务费项目(No.201762030)
  • 作者
  • 单位
  • 孙小菡
  • 中国海洋大学化学化工学院, 青岛 266100
  • 张洪海
  • 1. 中国海洋大学化学化工学院, 青岛 266100;2. 青岛海洋科学与技术试点国家实验室海洋生态与环境科学功能实验室, 青岛 266237
  • 于蕾
  • 中国海洋大学化学化工学院, 青岛 266100
  • 杨剑
  • 中国科学院烟台海岸带研究所, 海岸带环境工程技术研究中心, 烟台 264003
  • 杨桂朋
  • 1. 中国海洋大学化学化工学院, 青岛 266100;2. 青岛海洋科学与技术试点国家实验室海洋生态与环境科学功能实验室, 青岛 266237
  • 摘要:挥发性硫化物(volatile sulfur compounds,VSCs)是大气中一类重要的痕量活性气体,对全球硫循环和气候变化有着重要的影响.于2018年6—7月运用冷阱捕集气相色谱和气-质联用法测定了东海海水与大气中3种重要的VSCs即羰基硫(carbonyl sulfide,COS)、二甲基硫(dimethyl sulfide,DMS)、二硫化碳(carbon disulfide,CS2)的浓度,分析了其与相关环境因子的相关性,并估算了它们的海-气通量.研究结果表明,夏季东海表层海水中COS、DMS和CS2的浓度平均值分别为(0.47±0.33)、(4.46±4.52)和(0.13±0.07) nmol·L-1,海水中COS和CS2的高值区出现在长江口附近海域,DMS在东海南部海域的浓度远低于北部海域.大气中COS、DMS和CS2的浓度平均值分别为(564.0±37.5)×10-12、(70.7±83.5)×10-12和(177.6±232.3)×10-12(以体积分数计),COS分布均匀,CS2的分布呈现近岸高远海低的特点,而DMS的分布受海-气扩散的影响.相关性分析表明,夏季东海海水中COS和CS2与海水中的营养盐存在正相关关系,这可能是因为营养盐能促进浮游植物生长,而浮游植物生长过程中能释放COS和CS2的前体进入水体,从而促进COS和CS2的生产.此外,夏季东海中COS、DMS和CS2的海-气通量平均值为(1.05±1.13)、(9.21±9.49)和(0.24±0.22)μmol·m-2·d-1,表明夏季东海是大气中3种VSCs的源.
  • Abstract:Volatile sulfur compounds (VSCs) are important trace active gases in the atmosphere and play an important role on the global sulfur cycle and climate change. The concentrations of three important VSCs named carbonyl sulfide (COS), dimethyl sulfide (DMS), and carbon disulfide (CS2) in the seawater and atmosphere of the East China Sea in June-July 2018 were measured by Purge and Trap-Gas Chromatography to study their influencing factors and sea-to-air fluxes. The average concentrations of COS, DMS and CS2 in the surface seawater were (0.47±0.33), (4.46±4.52) and (0.13±0.07) nmol·L-1, respectively. The high values of COS and CS2 in the seawater appeared near the Yangtze River estuary, while the concentrations of DMS in the southern area of the East China Sea were much lower than those in the northern area. The average concentrations of COS, DMS and CS2 in the atmosphere over the East China Sea were (564.0±37.5)×10-12, (70.7±83.5)×10-12 and (177.6±232.3)×10-12 (in volume fraction), respectively. The distribution of COS was relatively uniform in the study area, while the distribution of CS2 exhibited an obvious characteristic with the high values in the coastal atmosphere and the low values over the open sea. The distribution of DMS was affected by the sea-to-air diffusion. The correlation analysis showed that the COS and CS2 concentrations in the study area were correlated with seawater nutrient concentrations. This might be because nutrients could promote the growth of phytoplankton, and the precursors of COS and CS2 were released into the seawater during the growth of phytoplankton, which promoted the productions of COS and CS2. In addition, the average sea-to-air fluxes of COS, DMS and CS2 were (1.05±1.13), (9.21±9.49) and (0.24±0.22) μmol·m-2·d-1, indicating that the East China Sea was the source of three VSCs.

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