
  • 郑凯凯,王东,王硕,王燕,李激.新型组合工艺深度去除DOM及其对低温运行的响应特征[J].环境科学学报,2021,41(6):2109-2119

  • 新型组合工艺深度去除DOM及其对低温运行的响应特征
  • Deep removal of DOM and the response to low temperature in a new wastewater treatment process
  • 基金项目:国家水体污染控制与治理科技重大专项(No.2015ZX07306-001,2017ZX07202001-01)
  • 作者
  • 单位
  • 郑凯凯
  • 江南大学环境与土木工程学院, 江苏省厌氧生物技术重点试验室, 无锡 214122
  • 王东
  • 江南大学环境与土木工程学院, 江苏省厌氧生物技术重点试验室, 无锡 214122
  • 王硕
  • 1. 江南大学环境与土木工程学院, 江苏省厌氧生物技术重点试验室, 无锡 214122;2. 江苏省生物质能与减碳技术工程实验室, 无锡 214122;3. 江苏省高校水处理技术与材料协同创新中心, 苏州 215009
  • 王燕
  • 江南大学环境与土木工程学院, 江苏省厌氧生物技术重点试验室, 无锡 214122
  • 李激
  • 1. 江南大学环境与土木工程学院, 江苏省厌氧生物技术重点试验室, 无锡 214122;2. 江苏省生物质能与减碳技术工程实验室, 无锡 214122;3. 江苏省高校水处理技术与材料协同创新中心, 苏州 215009
  • 摘要:我国城镇污水处理厂进水具有碳氮比低、可生化性差等特性,显著增加了污水处理厂稳定达标运行的难度.为应对我国特殊进水水质,本文研发了基于生物吸附-两级AO-活性焦吸附的高效污水处理组合工艺,分析了各工艺段溶解性有机物(Dissolved Organic Matter,DOM)和氮磷的去除特性,并对低温条件下组合工艺的响应特征进行解析,为该工艺的工程应用提供理论依据和技术支撑.结果表明,组合工艺经过60 d的连续运行,出水TN和TP平均浓度分别为8.5和0.25 mg·L-1,平均去除率分别高达80.5%和95.5%.此外,活性焦对于污水中大分子芳香族类和环烷烃类DOM的去除效果较好,两级AO出水中芳香族类、环烷烃类和卤代烃类DOM的比例由50.23%降至10.24%.生物吸附工艺段菌群多样性较高,具有快速富集有机物能力的Acidobacteria菌门相对丰度达到10.23%.两级AO工艺菌群丰度和多样性略低,其中相对丰度较高的微生物为具有脱氮除磷功能的Proteobacteria菌门(79.39%)和Nitrospirae菌门(6.5%).在5℃低温条件下,组合工艺出水TN、TP和COD等主要水质指标未出现显著波动,表明组合工艺具有良好的抗低温影响能力.对比常温运行中的菌群分析结果,低温环境下两级AO工艺段的Proteobacteria菌门相对丰度由66.22%降至54.27%,但具有抗低温等不利条件的Gemmatimonadetes菌门相对丰度由0.72%升高至9.67%,且生物吸附工艺段仍存活大量具备降解有机物功能的Acidobacteria菌门,有效缓冲了后段工艺处理负荷,使组合工艺具有良好的抗外界干扰能力.
  • Abstract:The influent of municipal wastewater treatment plants(WWTPs) in China has the characteristics of low C/N ratio and poor biodegradability, which significantly increases the difficulty of stable operation. In order to treat the special wastewater in China, a high-efficiency wastewater treatment process based on biosorption, two-stage AO and activated coke adsorption was developed. The characteristics of dissolved organic matter (DOM), nitrogen and phosphorus in each section were analyzed. Besides, this article analyzed the response of the combined process at low temperature, which provides theoretical basis and technical support for the engineering application. The results showed that, after 60 days of continuous operation, the average effluent concentrations of TN and TP were 8.5 mg·L-1 and 0.25 mg·L-1, with the average removal rates of 80.5% and 95.5%, respectively. In addition, the removal of DOM on macromolecular aromatic and naphthenic hydrocarbons through activated coke was good, so the proportion of DOM of aromatic, naphthenic and halogenated hydrocarbons in two-stage AO effluent was reduced from 50.23% to 10.24%. The microbial diversity in biosorption section was relatively high, and the relative abundance of Aidobacteria with the ability to quickly enrich organic matters reached 10.23%. The microbial abundance and diversity of the two-stage AO section were slightly lower, with relative high abundance for Proteobacteria(79.39%) and Nitrospirae(6.5%). Under the temperature of 5℃, the main wastewater quality indexes such as TN, TP and COD of the combined process did not fluctuate significantly, indicating that the combined process has a good ability to resist the impact of low temperature. Comparing the results of flora analysis in normal temperature environment, the relative abundance of Proteobacteria decreased from 66.22% to 54.27%, but Gemmatimonadetes has the resistance of low temperature and other adverse conditions, and its population abundance increased from 0.72% to 9.67%. Besides, there were still a large number of Aidobacteria with the function of degrading organic compounds in biosorption section, which effectively buffered the processing load of the later stage, and made the combined process in good capability.

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