• 董宇童,陈丙寅,张兴腾,刘婵芳,何龙,何鹏飞,王伟文,王雪梅,常鸣.下垫面输入资料对深圳气象场及大气扩散能力模拟的影响[J].环境科学学报,2021,41(7):2584-2597

  • 下垫面输入资料对深圳气象场及大气扩散能力模拟的影响
  • The influence of underlying surface input data on the simulation of meteorological field and atmospheric diffusion capacity in Shenzhen
  • 基金项目:国家自然科学基金(No.41705123,41875010,42071394);深圳市环境监测中心站项目(No.GXZX-19042SZGK);广东省科技创新战略专项资金项目(No.2019B121205004);暨南大学高性能计算公共服务平台项目
  • 作者
  • 单位
  • 董宇童
  • 1. 暨南大学, 环境与气候研究院, 广州 510443;2. 粤港澳环境质量协同创新联合实验室, 广州 510443
  • 陈丙寅
  • 1. 暨南大学, 环境与气候研究院, 广州 510443;2. 粤港澳环境质量协同创新联合实验室, 广州 510443
  • 张兴腾
  • 1. 暨南大学, 环境与气候研究院, 广州 510443;2. 粤港澳环境质量协同创新联合实验室, 广州 510443
  • 刘婵芳
  • 深圳市环境监测中心站, 深圳 518049
  • 何龙
  • 深圳市环境监测中心站, 深圳 518049
  • 何鹏飞
  • 深圳市环境监测中心站, 深圳 518049
  • 王伟文
  • 1. 暨南大学, 环境与气候研究院, 广州 510443;2. 粤港澳环境质量协同创新联合实验室, 广州 510443
  • 王雪梅
  • 1. 暨南大学, 环境与气候研究院, 广州 510443;2. 粤港澳环境质量协同创新联合实验室, 广州 510443
  • 常鸣
  • 1. 暨南大学, 环境与气候研究院, 广州 510443;2. 粤港澳环境质量协同创新联合实验室, 广州 510443
  • 摘要:区域气象模式的输入资料更替相对城市化发展的实际态势存在滞后,使得空气质量预报模型受气象场模拟性能限制而难以准确预报污染事件.本文以深圳市的WRF模拟为例,对模式土地利用输入资料、城市冠层输入参数进行改进,通过提高气象场的模拟能力,探究下垫面输入资料对深圳气象场及大气扩散能力模拟的影响.结果表明,土地利用输入资料的更新使得城市建成区类型格点模拟温度在1月下降了0.05℃,在4、7和10月分别上升了1.1、0.4和0.5℃;风速在1、4、7和10月分别下降了2.3、1.8、1.9和1.8 m·s-1;相对湿度分别下降了16.1%、9.0%、14.4%和6.5%;感热通量分别升高了85.3、73.6、134.8和65.6 W·m-2;潜热通量分别下降了65.9、39.5、118.3和45.7 W·m-2.土地利用输入资料更新后,深圳市扩散指数在空气质量为"优"、"良"、"轻度污染"时段内,分别下降了约25%、20%、30%,风向变化因子分别约有5%、5%的降低和20%的升高;输入城市冠层参数后,扩散指数分别下降了约25%、15%、5%,风向变化因子分别约有5%的降低、5%和5%的升高.土地利用输入资料的更替和城市冠层参数的输入带来模拟能力的改进,更好地重现了一些复杂的边界层热动力结构,包括典型污染日午后深圳市上空南侧上升、北侧下沉的城市热岛环流和近地面的海风局地环流.
  • Abstract:The update of regional meteorological model input data lags behind the actual urbanization progress. This makes it difficult for the air quality forecast model to predict pollution events accurately due to the limitation of meteorological field simulation performance. Taken the Weather Research and Forecasting (WRF) simulation in Shenzhen as an example, this study investigates the influence of underlying surface input data on the simulation of meteorological field and atmospheric diffusion capacity in this megacity. The results show that with the update of land use data, the simulated temperature in urban grids decreased by 0.05 ℃ in January and increased by 1.1, 0.4 and 0.5 ℃ in April, July and October. The wind speed decreased by 2.3, 1.8, 1.9 and 1.8 m·s-1 in January, April, July, and October, respectively, while the relative humidity decreased by 16.1%, 9.0%, 14.4%, and 6.5%. The sensible heat flux increased by 85.3, 73.6, 134.8 and 65.6 W·m-2 in January, April, July and October, respectively, while the latent heat flux decreased by 65.9, 39.5, 118.3 and 45.7 W·m-2. With the new set of land use data, the diffusion index of Shenzhen decreased by about 25%, 20% and 30% during the period when the air quality was "excellent", "good" and "slightly polluted", while the wind direction change index was about 5% decreased, 5% decreased and 20% increased, respectively. With the input of urban canopy parameters, the diffusion index decreased by about 25%, 15% and 5% during the period when the air quality was "excellent", "good" and "slightly polluted", while the wind direction change index was about 5% decreased, 5% increased and 5% increased, respectively. The replacement of land use data and the incorporation of urban canopy parameters have improved the simulations. The improved simulations show that urban heat rises in the south and sinks in the north over Shenzhen. Besides, the local circulation of sea breeze near the ground occurs on the afternoon of a typical pollution day.

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