
  • 谭峥铮,卢召艳,石广明,李彩艳.湖南省天然源挥发性有机物排放时空特征研究[J].环境科学学报,2021,41(5):1774-1783

  • 湖南省天然源挥发性有机物排放时空特征研究
  • The characteristics of biogenic volatile organic compounds emissions of Hunan Province
  • 基金项目:国家自然科学基金(No.41301638);国家重点研发计划(No.2018YFC0213703)
  • 作者
  • 单位
  • 谭峥铮
  • 湖南省环境保护科学研究院环境与经济研究所, 长沙 410004
  • 卢召艳
  • 湖南财政经济学院湖南省经济地理研究所, 长沙 410205
  • 石广明
  • 湖南省环境保护科学研究院环境与经济研究所, 长沙 410004
  • 李彩艳
  • 湖南省环境保护科学研究院环境与经济研究所, 长沙 410004
  • 摘要:基于MEGANv3.1模型,结合WRF3.4.1气象数据、MODIS数据提取的叶面积指数、J4置信度下不同植被排放因子、生态功能类型数据及植被生长因子数据,估算了湖南省范围内2018年植被挥发性有机物(Biogenic Volatile Organic Compounds,BVOCs)排放情况.结果显示,湖南省BVOCs排放总量约为259.15万t,其中,异戊二烯排放占40.35%,单萜烯排放占23.09%,半萜烯排放占2.31%,甲醇排放占8.81%,其他VOC排放占25.45%.空间分布上,湖南省BVOCs排放集中区域与森林密集区域基本重合,主要分布在常德南部、益阳西部、湘西州西南部和怀化市全境及岳阳东部、长沙东部、株洲北部与湘潭交界处,以及株洲南部与郴州北部交界处.BVOCs的排放不仅与植被分布有关,也具有明显的季节性.夏季BVOCs排放最多,占全年的64.23%;冬季BVOCs排放最少,占1.01%;春季与秋季排放分别占18.69%和16.07%.本研究首次聚焦湖南省,在高时空分辨率尺度下分析了该区域BVOCs排放的时间和空间分布特征,可为后续的大气环境研究与精细化管理工作提供依据.
  • Abstract:Combined with WRF3.4.1 meteorological data, leaf area index data extracted from MODIS, emission factors under J4 confidence level, ecological function type data and vegetation growth factor data, the BVOCs emission in Hunan Province in 2018 was estimated by using MEGANv3.1 model. The results showed that the total emission of BVOCs in Hunan Province was about 2.59 million tons, of which isoprene accounted for 40.35%, monoterpene accounted for 23.09%, sesquiterpenes accounted for 2.31%, methanol accounted for 8.81%, and other VOCs accounted for 25.45%. High BVOCs emission area was in accordance with dense forest area in Hunan Province, which mainly distributed in the south of Changde, Western Yiyang, southwest of Xiangxi and Huaihua area, as well as the junction of Eastern Yueyang, Eastern Changsha, northern Zhuzhou and Xiangtan, southern Zhuzhou and Northern Chenzhou. The emission of BVOCs was not only related to the distribution of vegetation, but also showed obvious seasonal characteristics. BVOCs emissions reached peak in summer and decreased to the lowest level in winter. Emissions in summer contributed 64.23% of total annual emissions while emissions only contributed 1.01% in winter. Emissions in spring and autumn contributed 18.69% and 16.07% respectively. This study focused on Hunan Province as the research area for the first time. The temporal and spatial distribution characteristics of BVOCs emissions in Hunan Province were analyzed in a high spatial-temporal resolution scale, which can provide the basis for the follow-up atmospheric environment research and management.

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