• 孙盛进,徐慧,卓梦琼,张哲,丁梓尧,郭远涛,肖丛亮,辛佳期,李昆.电场预处理强化微藻处理猪场废水的效果优化研究[J].环境科学学报,2021,41(8):3166-3174

  • 电场预处理强化微藻处理猪场废水的效果优化研究
  • Study on the optimization of the electric field pretreatment for enhanced microalgae treatment of pig farm wastewater
  • 基金项目:国家自然科学基金(No.51768043);中国博士后科学基金(No.2017M622106);江西省青年科学基金(No.20171BAB216037);江西省教育厅科研基金(No.GJJ160214)
  • 作者
  • 单位
  • 孙盛进
  • 南昌大学资源环境与化工学院, 鄱阳湖环境与资源利用教育部重点试验室, 南昌 330038
  • 徐慧
  • 中国科学院生态环境研究中心, 环境水质学国家重点实验室, 北京 100085
  • 卓梦琼
  • 南昌大学资源环境与化工学院, 鄱阳湖环境与资源利用教育部重点试验室, 南昌 330038
  • 张哲
  • 南昌大学资源环境与化工学院, 鄱阳湖环境与资源利用教育部重点试验室, 南昌 330038
  • 丁梓尧
  • 南昌大学资源环境与化工学院, 鄱阳湖环境与资源利用教育部重点试验室, 南昌 330038
  • 郭远涛
  • 南昌大学资源环境与化工学院, 鄱阳湖环境与资源利用教育部重点试验室, 南昌 330038
  • 肖丛亮
  • 南昌大学资源环境与化工学院, 鄱阳湖环境与资源利用教育部重点试验室, 南昌 330038
  • 辛佳期
  • 南昌大学资源环境与化工学院, 鄱阳湖环境与资源利用教育部重点试验室, 南昌 330038
  • 李昆
  • 南昌大学资源环境与化工学院, 鄱阳湖环境与资源利用教育部重点试验室, 南昌 330038
  • 摘要:近年来,基于微藻的废水处理技术受到越来越多的关注,但猪场废水所具有的高色、高浊、高盐等水质特点限制了微藻的处理效果和生长情况.为解决该问题,本研究考虑采用电场处理技术与微藻废水处理相结合的思路,对猪场废水厌氧消化出水进行深度处理.先比较4种不同阳极材料(石墨、铝、不锈钢、钛)的废水预处理效果,再进一步考察各组电场预处理对后续微藻废水处理效果和生长情况的影响.结果表明:不锈钢组和铝组对色度和浊度均表现出了较好的去除效果(92.44%和83.72%;99.83%和99.74%).此外,经电场预处理后的微藻废水处理效果和生长情况均有明显的提升,其中不锈钢组和铝组最终生物量分别达到2.22、1.89 g·L-1,远高于对照的原水组.而不锈钢组和铝组中的叶绿素a含量浓度分别增至接种时的11.48倍和9.89倍.这说明将电场预处理与微藻废水处理相结合,可以有效提高污染物去除效果,同时获得更大的有价生物质资源的产量,实现更好的技术经济性和可行性,为该工艺的推广应用提供理论基础和技术支撑.
  • Abstract:Microalgae-based wastewater treatment process has aroused lots of attentions in recent years. However, piggery wastewater with characteristics of high color, turbidity and salinity limits the treatment efficiency and growth of microalgae. In this study, electric field was combined with microalgae treatment for piggery wastewater treatment to solve this issue. The wastewater treatment efficiency of electric field pretreatment using four different anode materials (graphite, aluminum, stainless-steel and titanium) were compared. Then the pretreated wastewater of four groups were further treated by microalgae to investigate the influence of electric field on the performance and growth of microalgae. The results show that stainless steel and aluminum exhibited excellent removal efficiencies for both colourity and turbidity (92.44% and 83.72%, 99.83% and 99.74%, respectively). Moreover, the electric field treated wastewater showed significant enhancement for microalgae treatment efficiency. The final biomass yield of stainless-steel group and aluminum group reached as high as 2.22 g·L-1 and 1.89 g·L-1, respectively, which are much higher than that of the original group. Besides, the chlorophyll a content of stainless-steel group and aluminum group also increased by11.48 and 9.89 times, respectively. These results indicate that the combination of electric field pretreatment and microalgae-based wastewater treatment could significantly enhance the pollutants removal, while harvesting more valuable biomass resources, which also improve the technological economical feasibility. This study also supports the further application of the combined electric field pretreatment and microalgae-based wastewater treatment process.

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