
  • 潘思涵,宋易南,汪军,王健,侯德义.耦合健康风险与生命周期评价的场地修复环境经济影响评估[J].环境科学学报,2021,41(10):4306-4314

  • 耦合健康风险与生命周期评价的场地修复环境经济影响评估
  • Coupling health risk assessment and life cycle assessment for environmental and economic impact assessment of site remediation
  • 基金项目:国家重点研发计划(No.2018YFC1801300)
  • 作者
  • 单位
  • 潘思涵
  • 清华大学环境学院, 北京 100084
  • 宋易南
  • 清华大学环境学院, 北京 100084
  • 汪军
  • 重庆市生态环境科学研究院, 重庆 401147
  • 王健
  • 重庆市生态环境科学研究院, 重庆 401147
  • 侯德义
  • 清华大学环境学院, 北京 100084
  • 摘要:我国污染场地数量众多,对当地环境和健康安全造成了巨大威胁,亟待开展治理修复,同时也需要关注修复过程的绿色可持续性.本文基于绿色可持续修复(GSR)的理念,提出了健康风险评价(HRA)和生命周期评价(LCA)耦合的评估框架,用于计算结合健康风险和修复二次环境影响的净环境效益(NEB),并以中国西南地区某多环芳烃和汞污染的工业场地为例,在现行的修复目标制定框架内,对不同修复目标下的NEB进行了评估.结果表明,在不同权衡选择下,案例最佳的修复目标带来的NEB是直接选择筛选值目标的1.6~15倍,单位经济投入带来的NEB是直接选择筛选值的3~7倍.决策者可应用提出的综合评估框架,平衡当地环境质量改善和修复过程的二次影响,以提高场地修复工程的环境经济可持续性.
  • Abstract:A large number of contaminated sites in China pose a great threat to the local environment, health and safety. It is urgent to carry out remediation and pay attention to the sustainability of remediation processes. Based on the concept of green and sustainable remediation (GSR), this study proposes an assessment framework, coupling health risk assessment (HRA) and life cycle assessment (LCA) to calculate the net environmental benefits (NEB) associated with health risks and secondary environmental impacts of site remediation. A case study was conducted at an industrial site polluted by polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) and mercury in Southwest China. The assessment framework was established to select the most appropriate remediation goal. NEBs of different remediation goals were calculated. The results show that under a wide range of scenarios, if the ‘best’ remediation goal is chosen, the NEB can increase by 1.6~15 times and the NEB brought by unit economic investment can increase by 3~7 times in comparison with directly selecting the screening value as the remediation goal. We conclude that decision makers can apply the proposed comprehensive assessment framework and achieve a better balance between local environmental quality improvement and the secondary impact of remediation processes in order to achieve better environmental and economic sustainability.

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