
  • 吴晓萍,张军,张弓,兰华春,刘会娟.UV/TiO2/H2O2体系对制药废水二级出水的处理特性研究[J].环境科学学报,2021,41(10):3947-3955

  • UV/TiO2/H2O2体系对制药废水二级出水的处理特性研究
  • Degradation of the secondary effluents of pharmaceutical wastewater by UV/TiO2/H2O2 process
  • 基金项目:国家自然科学基金(No.52091542)
  • 作者
  • 单位
  • 吴晓萍
  • 清华大学环境学院, 清华大学水质与水生态研究中心, 北京 100084
  • 张军
  • 清华大学环境学院, 清华大学水质与水生态研究中心, 北京 100084
  • 张弓
  • 清华大学环境学院, 清华大学水质与水生态研究中心, 北京 100084
  • 兰华春
  • 清华大学环境学院, 清华大学水质与水生态研究中心, 北京 100084
  • 刘会娟
  • 清华大学环境学院, 清华大学水质与水生态研究中心, 北京 100084
  • 摘要:以某制药企业的二级出水为研究对象,对比了UV/TiO2、UV/H2O2、UV/TiO2/H2O2 3种高级氧化工艺的处理效果,利用自主设计的一体化光催化装置进行了连续动态试验,并通过凝胶渗透色谱(GPC)、傅里叶变换红外光谱(FT-IR)、三维荧光光谱(EEM)、斑马鱼急性毒性试验等方法研究了处理前后有机物特性和生物毒性的变化.结果表明,与UV/TiO2和UV/H2O2体系相比,UV/TiO2/H2O2光芬顿体系对有机物的去除效果更好,当TiO2投加量为1 g·L-1,H2O2投加量为100 mg·L-1时,处理效果达到最佳.一体化光催化装置能够利用UV/TiO2/H2O2光芬顿技术快速高效地降解二级出水中的有机污染物,反应30 min时COD去除率达到50%以上.经UV/TiO2/H2O2深度处理后,废水中的大分子有机物分解转换为小分子,有机物中的不饱和结构明显减少,腐殖质等溶解性有机物基本降解完全.毒性试验结果表明,该二级出水的生物毒性经深度处理后显著降低,对斑马鱼胚胎不存在致畸致死效应.
  • Abstract:This study investigated the removal efficiency of the secondary effluents of pharmaceutical wastewater by three advanced oxidation processes (UV/TiO2,UV/H2O2 and UV/TiO2/H2O2), and then conducted a pilot-scale test using a self-designed integrated photocatalytic reactor. Several methods have been employed to characterize the change of organic properties during the process, including gel permeation chromatography (GPC), Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FT-IR) and excitation-emission-matrix spectroscopy (EEM). Zebrafish embryos were also used to determine toxic effect of the wastewater. The results show that, UV/TiO2/H2O2 process exhibited higher removal efficiency than UV/TiO2 and UV/H2O2, and the optimized dosage of TiO2 and H2O2 is 1 g·L-1 and 100 mg·L-1 respectively. The integrated photocatalytic reactor was proved to be capable of degrading organic compounds effectively, as the removal efficiency of COD reached 50% within 30 minutes. During UV/TiO2/H2O2 process, high molecular weight organics were transformed into lower ones, and the unsaturated structure decreased obviously. The humic acid-like organics, as the major dissolved organic matter of the wastewater, were almost completely degraded after UV/TiO2/H2O2 treatment. The toxicity of the effluents was also significantly reduced after the advanced treatment.

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