
  • 李海燕,吴丽华.亚砷酸钠对酵母细胞H2S代谢的影响[J].环境科学学报,2021,41(10):4325-4330

  • 亚砷酸钠对酵母细胞H2S代谢的影响
  • Effect of sodium arsenite on H2S metabolism in yeast cells
  • 基金项目:国家自然科学基金(No.21307087);山西省应用基础研究计划项目(No.201601D021104);山西省高校科技创新项目(No.2019L0820);太原师范学院大学生创新项目(No.CXCY2160)
  • 作者
  • 单位
  • 李海燕
  • 太原师范学院生物系, 晋中 030619
  • 吴丽华
  • 太原师范学院生物系, 晋中 030619
  • 摘要:以模式生物酿酒酵母为研究对象,采用醋酸铅试纸条法、BIGGY琼脂及qRT-PCR技术检测了不同浓度亚砷酸钠胁迫下H2S产量及产H2S酶编码基因表达的变化,以探讨砷化物对酵母细胞H2S代谢的影响.结果显示,0.5~2 mmol·L-1的亚砷酸钠可诱导酵母细胞内源H2S的产生,且H2S合成相关基因的相对表达量与对照相比均有不同程度的上调.经0.05~0.2 mmol·L-1的外源H2S预处理后,酵母细胞对砷的耐受性明显提高.研究表明,亚砷酸钠可影响酵母细胞H2S代谢,而H2S含量可在一定程度上调控砷对酵母的毒性.
  • Abstract:The model organism, Saccharomyces cerevisiae, was used to investigate the effects of arsenite on H2S metabolism in yeast cells. Changes in H2S production, and the expression of genes encoding H2S-producing enzymes under the stress of different concentrations of sodium atsenite were detected using the lead acetate test strip method, bismuth sulfite glucose glycine yeast (BIGGY) agar, and qRT-PCR. The experiment results showed that sodium arsenite at 0.5~2 mmol·L-1 induced endogenous H2S production in yeast cells, and the relative expression levels of H2S synthesis-related genes were all upregulated to different levels compared to the control. The tolerance of yeast cells to arsenic was significantly increased after pretreatment with 0.05~0.2 mmol·L-1 of exogenous H2S. The results suggest that sodium arsenite can affect yeast cell H2S metabolism, and H2S can regulate the toxicity of arsenic to yeast to some extent.

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