• 楼振纲,王在华,杨帆.铵盐在典型大气污染过程中的变化特征及来源分析[J].环境科学学报,2021,41(7):2577-2583

  • 铵盐在典型大气污染过程中的变化特征及来源分析
  • Variation characteristics and source analysis of ammonium salt in typical air pollution processes
  • 基金项目:上海市科委自然基金(No.20ZR1449700);浦东新区生态环境局科研专项项目(No.PDHJ20210008)
  • 作者
  • 单位
  • 楼振纲
  • 浙江省生态环境监测中心, 杭州 310012
  • 王在华
  • 广东省科学院资源综合利用研究所, 广州 510650
  • 杨帆
  • 上海市浦东新区环境监测站, 上海 201200
  • 摘要:为了解铵盐在大气中对重污染天气生成的重要作用,于2020年12月26—29日,利用在线单颗粒飞行时间质谱(SPAMS)和在线离子色谱(MARGA),对上海浦东新区一次典型的重污染天气过程进行分析.结果表明:本次污染过程主要与静稳天气下污染物的积聚,尤其是机动车尾气排放的累计效应,以及气态污染物二次转化过程有关.PM2.5的高污染时段通常伴随着高浓度的硫酸盐、硝酸盐和铵盐,污染过程中NO3-、SO42-、NH4+最大小时质量浓度分别达到62.3、19.3和26.0 μg·m-3.对ns-NH4+(过量铵根离子物质的量浓度)-NO3-之间的回归分析证明,多数情况下浦东大气中氨是富余的.污染高峰时段的主要污染源为机动车尾气源(36.7%)、扬尘源(24.4%)、二次无机源(15.0%),占比升幅最高的污染源为机动车尾气源.
  • Abstract:In order to understand the important role of ammonia in the formation of severe atmospheric pollution, the process of a typical severe air pollution in Pudong New Area of Shanghai was analyzed by using online single-particle time-of-flight mass spectrometry (SPAMS) and online ion chromatography (MARGA) from 26 to 29 of December 2020. The results show that the pollution process is mainly related to the accumulation of pollutants and the secondary conversion of gaseous pollutants, especially the cumulative effect of vehicle exhaust sources. The high pollution process of PM2.5 is usually accompanied by high concentration of sulfate, nitrate and ammonium salt. In the pollution process, the maximum hourly mass concentrations of NO3-, SO42- and NH4+ reach to 62.3 μg·m-3, 19.3 μg·m-3 and 26.0 μg·m-3 respectively. The regression correlation analysis between ns-NH4+(Excessive ammonium molar concentration)-NO3- shows that ammonia is excessive in Pudong atmosphere in most cases.The primary pollution sources during the peak period were motor vehicle exhaust (36.7%), dust (24.4%) and secondary inorganic sources (15.0%), and the motor vehicle exhaust sources have the highest proportional increase.

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