• 曹惠玲,晏嘉伟,李玉铭.结合QAR数据的全航段排放估算及其对飞行成本的影响研究[J].环境科学学报,2021,41(11):4439-4448

  • 结合QAR数据的全航段排放估算及其对飞行成本的影响研究
  • Research on emission estimation of full flight segments combined with QAR Data and its impact on flight cost
  • 基金项目:中国民航大学开放基金(No.000031020102)
  • 作者
  • 单位
  • 曹惠玲
  • 中国民航大学航空工程学院, 天津 300300
  • 晏嘉伟
  • 中国民航大学航空工程学院, 天津 300300
  • 李玉铭
  • 中国民航大学航空工程学院, 天津 300300
  • 摘要:随着排放对环境的影响日趋严重,排放成本被纳入飞行总成本的趋势已成为必然.在对基础飞行成本模型进行改进过程中,为了准确计算飞机排放量,依据机载QAR(Quick Access Recorder,快速存取记录器)数据中表征发动机实际运行的诸多参数,准确获取排放量,进而利用改进飞行总成本模型计算实际飞行成本.同时,讨论了燃油成本、时间成本及排放成本在综合成本中所占的比例.结果表明,燃油成本占比最大,约为41.63%;时间成本约占34.13%,排放成本占比达到24.24%,超过燃油成本的1/2.由此可见,排放成本对总成本影响很大,其影响不可忽视,多方面考虑计算排放量及排放成本,可为航空公司初步评估飞机运行成本提供有效依据.
  • Abstract:With the increasingly serious impact on the environment by emissions, it has become inevitable that emissions costs to be included in the total cost of flight. In the process of improving the basic flight cost model, in order to accurately calculate the aircraft emissions, many parameters that characterize the actual operation of the engine were used to accurately obtain the emissions according to the onboard QAR (Quick Access Recorder) data, and then the improved total flight cost model was used to calculate the actual flight cost. Discussed the cost proportion of fuel, time and emission in the overall cost. The result showed that fuel cost accounted for the largest proportion, about 41.63%, time cost was about 34.13%, and emission cost accounted for 24.24%, which exceeded half of the fuel cost. Therefore, the emission cost has a great impact on the total cost and can-not be ignored. Including the consideration of emission and emission cost calculation in many aspects could provide an effective basis for airlines to preliminarily estimate the aircraft operation cost.

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