• 何伟,王语苓.黄河流域城市水资源利用效率测算及影响因素分析[J].环境科学学报,2021,41(11):4760-4770

  • 黄河流域城市水资源利用效率测算及影响因素分析
  • Calculation of urban water resources utilization efficiency in the Yellow River basin and analysis of its influencing factors
  • 基金项目:中国人民大学重大基础研究计划项目(No.12XNL005);中国发展研究基金会委托项目:中国城市水效研究
  • 作者
  • 单位
  • 何伟
  • 1. 中国人民大学环境政策与环境规划研究所, 北京 100872;2. 中国信息安全研究院, 北京 102209
  • 王语苓
  • 中国人民大学环境学院, 北京 100872
  • 摘要:基于数据包络法的超效率SBM模型、DEA-Malmquist指数、泰尔指数、变异系数和Tobit回归模型,对黄河流域54个地级以上城市的市辖区水资源利用效率、区域差异和影响因素展开测算和分析.结果表明:①2007-2017年,黄河流域城市水资源利用效率远未达到有效水平,82.6%的城市水资源利用效率普遍处于生产前沿面之下,存在水资源配置效率低下和资源浪费、冗余问题;城市水资源利用效率平均值由0.469缓慢波动上升为0.540,区域差异逐渐缩小,总体上呈现黄河上游 > 黄河下游 > 黄河中游的态势.②黄河上游、中游城市水资源利用全要素生产率整体处于上升阶段,下游地区城市水资源利用全要素生产率却处于下降阶段,影响黄河流域城市水资源利用全要素生产率的主要因素在于纯技术效率.③经济发展水平、产业结构等与水资源利用效率呈正相关;市场化程度、水资源禀赋与水资源利用效率的相关性不显著;水效管理政策、水污染物排放与水资源利用效率呈现较为显著的负相关关系.
  • Abstract:Based on the super-efficient SBM model of data envelopment method, DEA-Malmquist index, Thiel index, coefficient of variation and Tobit regression model, the study measured and analyzed the water resources utilization efficiency, regional differences and influencing factors of 54 cities above prefecture level in the Yellow River Basin, and the results show that:① from 2007 to 2017, the urban water resources utilization efficiency in the Yellow River Basin is far from an effective level. About 82.6% of urban water resources utilization efficiency is generally below the production frontier surface. There are inefficient water resources allocation and waste of resources. The average value of urban water resources utilization efficiency slowly fluctuates from 0.469 to 0.540 with an overall trend as follows:upper Yellow River > lower Yellow River > middle Yellow River, and the regional differences gradually narrow. ② The total factor productivity of urban water resources utilization in the upper and middle reaches of the Yellow River as a whole is in an upward stage. However, the total factor productivity of urban water resources utilization in the lower reaches is in the decreasing stage. The main factor affecting the total factor productivity of urban water resources utilization in the Yellow River basin lies in the pure technical efficiency. ③ The level of economic development, industrial structure, etc., show positive correlation with water resources utilization efficiency. The correlation between the degree of marketization, water resources endowment and water resources utilization efficiency is not significant. Water efficiency management policies, water pollutant emissions and water resources utilization efficiency show a more significant negative correlation.

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