
  • 吴昌贤,薄岩,杜悦悦,周丰.松辽流域生态流量赤字及其成因[J].环境科学学报,2022,42(1):151-159

  • 松辽流域生态流量赤字及其成因
  • Ecological flow requirement deficit in the Songliao River Basin and its key drivers
  • 基金项目:国家自然科学基金项目(No.41977082,41561134016)
  • 作者
  • 单位
  • 吴昌贤
  • 北京大学, 城市与环境学院,北京 100871;北京大学, 地表过程分析与模拟教育部重点实验室,北京 100871
  • 薄岩
  • 北京大学, 城市与环境学院,北京 100871;北京大学, 地表过程分析与模拟教育部重点实验室,北京 100871
  • 杜悦悦
  • 北京大学, 城市与环境学院,北京 100871;北京大学, 地表过程分析与模拟教育部重点实验室,北京 100871
  • 周丰
  • 北京大学, 城市与环境学院,北京 100871;北京大学, 地表过程分析与模拟教育部重点实验室,北京 100871
  • 摘要:水资源的过度开发导致了水短缺和水生态退化,因此,提供适宜的生态流量对维护河流健康具有重要意义.以往研究聚焦断面尺度的生态流量及其保障程度,尚未有效剥离上游子流域的影响.本研究以松辽流域为研究对象,运用VMF法、Tessmann_adapted法和Smakhtin_adapted法3种水文学法核算二级水资源区生态流量及1956—2000年期间生态流量赤字,解析生态流量赤字的关键成因.结果表明:松花江和辽河流域的生态流量分别为(1869±402) m3·s-1和(554±81) m3·s-1,均占天然流量的44%.其中松花江(三岔口以下)流域生态流量最大,东辽河流域生态流量最小.1956—2000年,松辽流域均出现生态流量赤字且逐年增加,辽河干流赤字情况最严重.气候变化和人类耗水分别是造成松花江流域和辽河流域生态流量赤字的主导因素.该研究对松辽流域生态流量确定和保障、水资源合理开发利用、水生态保护等具有重要现实意义.
  • Abstract:Overexploitation of limited freshwater resources has led to water scarcity, economic downturn, and ecological destruction. Ensuring suitable ecological flow requirements (EFR) is of great significance to maintaining river health and supporting the development of human society. Most existing studies focus intensively on the EFR of gauging stations and neglect the quantitative identification of influence from upstream watersheds. Taking Songliao River Basin as an example and 1956—2000 as the research period, we selected three hydrological methods in this study to analyze the EFR, EFR deficit, and its key drivers, including Tessmann_adapted method, Smakhtin_adapted method, and VMF method. Results show that the EFRs of Songhua River Basin and Liao River Basin were (1869±402) m3·s-1 and (554±81) m3·s-1, respectively, accounting for 44% of their natural flows. Songhua River (below Sanchakou) had the largest EFR while that of Songliao River was the smallest. The EFR deficit of Songliao River Basin showed an increasing trend during 1956—2000, with the deficit of Liao River’s mainstream being the most serious. Climate change was the main factor of the EFR deficit in Songhua River Basin while human water consumption had the most impact on EFR deficit in Liao River Basin. Our results are significant for water resources utilization, environment protection, and industrial and agricultural development.

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