
  • 程贤良,王宇晖,宋新山,许中硕.一种改性生物填料强化生活污水脱氮效果研究[J].环境科学学报,2022,42(1):222-230

  • 一种改性生物填料强化生活污水脱氮效果研究
  • A modified packing material filler enhanced biological nitrogen removal from domestic sewage
  • 基金项目:上海市青年科技启明星计划C类项目(No.19QC1401100);舟山市长江生态环境保护修复驻点跟踪研究项目(No.SZGXZS2020068);资源型城市雨污协同高效利用关键技术集成与示范(No. 2019YFC0408603)
  • 作者
  • 单位
  • 程贤良
  • 东华大学环境科学与工程学院,上海 201620
  • 王宇晖
  • 东华大学环境科学与工程学院,上海 201620
  • 宋新山
  • 东华大学环境科学与工程学院,上海 201620
  • 许中硕
  • 东华大学环境科学与工程学院,上海 201620
  • 摘要:生物强化脱氮技术是城镇污水处理厂的重点关注之一.大量研究表明改性填料可以增强污水生物脱氮效果.本文制备了负载纳米MnO2的改性聚氨酯棉填料(聚氨酯/MnO2),构建分别以聚氨酯/MnO2和聚氨酯为填料的生物滤池对比系统(R1和R2);并进一步探究两个系统对生活废水的脱氮效果差异以及主要运行参数的影响作用.结果表明,整个运行过程中实验组R1的脱氮效果优于对照组R2;其中,当进水C/N比为11,DO和HRT分别为3~4 mg·L-1和12 h时,出水水质均可达到GB18918-2002《城镇污水处理厂污染物排放标准》一级A类标准.进一步地,当COD去除率均在85%以上时,R1的总氮去除负荷(0.059 g·L-1·d-1)高于R2(0.047 g·L-1·d-1);其中,NH4+-N、NO3--N和TN的去除率比对照组R2分别提高了9.7%、20.0%、17.0%.本研究可为城镇污水处理厂中生物脱氮工艺提供新技术和新思路.
  • Abstract:It is one of main concerns for municipal wastewater treatment plant to explore the enhanced biological nitrogen removal technology. Many studies have shown that modified packing material can promote the nitrogen removal performance. In this study, a modified polyurethane sponge loaded with nano-MnO2 was prepared, and two biofilter using modified (R1) and unmodified polyurethane sponge (R2) were comparatively studied. The difference in total nitrogen (TN) removal performance between R1 and R2 and the effect of operation parameters on TN removal efficiencies were further explored. Results showed that the nitrogen removal performance in R1 were better than that in R2 during the whole operation. With C/N, DO and HRT of 11, 3~4 mg·L-1 and 12 h, the effluent of two reactors could both meet the class A discharge standard of pollutants for municipal wastewater treatment plant (GB18918-2002). Furthermore, when the COD removal efficiencies are over 85%, the total nitrogen removal rate of R1(0.059 g·L-1·d-1)is higher than that of R2(0.047 g·L-1·d-1). Compared with R2, the NH4+-N, NO3--N and TN removal efficiencies of R1 increased by 9.7%, 20.0%, and 17.0%, respectively. This study could provide a new technology and strategy to enhance biological nitrogen removal.

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