
  • 夏妍,窦鹏,楼春华,王超,李其军.不同植被覆盖情景下景观水体水质改善效果模拟研究[J].环境科学学报,2022,42(1):248-258

  • 不同植被覆盖情景下景观水体水质改善效果模拟研究
  • Simulation study on the effect of water quality improvement of landscape water body under different vegetation coverage scenarios
  • 基金项目:北京市自然科学基金面上项目(No.8212028); 国家自然科学基金青年基金(No.51709279)
  • 作者
  • 单位
  • 夏妍
  • 北京市水科学技术研究院,北京 100048;河海大学水文水资源学院,南京 210024
  • 窦鹏
  • 北京市水科学技术研究院,北京 100048
  • 楼春华
  • 北京市水科学技术研究院,北京 100048
  • 王超
  • 北京市水科学技术研究院,北京 100048
  • 李其军
  • 北京市水科学技术研究院,北京 100048
  • 摘要:再生水作为城市景观水体生态补水的主要水源,能够改善城市景观水体水污染状况,但水体内较高的氮磷物质易造成水体富营养化爆发水华现象,因此,研究水生植物群落对景观水体水质及水生态系统健康的维持意义重大。镜河是以再生水为补水水源的新建景观河道,为提升水环境质量,以流场、COD、氨氮及硝态氮为指标,应用MIKE 21和ECO Lab搭建流域二维水动力水质模型,探究水生植被覆盖率为0、30%、50%及70%等4种方案对湖泊水环境质量的改善效果.研究表明:水动力水质模型在研究区具有良好的适应性,水动力模拟精度优良,水位模拟Nash-Sutcliffe效率系数(NSE)为0.78,相对误差(RE)为5.75%;随着水生植物群落覆盖率增加,水体停留时间延长,有效降低了河道内COD、氨氮、硝态氮等污染物浓度.当植被覆盖率达到70%,水体表面流速速率减缓,整体处于0.15~0.30 cm·s-1,COD、氨氮、硝态氮污染物浓度降解速率减缓,模拟结果显示最佳的植被覆盖率处于50%~70%.
  • Abstract:Reuse of recycled water for ecological replenishment can improve the pollution of urban rivers and lakes, but the high content of nitrogen and phosphorus substances in the water body can easily cause eutrophication and algal blooms. Studying the construction of aquatic plant communities is of great significance of the maintenance of river and lake water quality and the health of aquatic ecosystems. Jinghe river is a newly built landscape river with reclaimed water as water refill source . In order to improve water environmental quality , a two-dimensional hydrodynamic water quality model of the basin was established by MIKE 21 and ECO Lab with flow field , COD , NH3-N and NO3--N as indicators , and the improvement effects of four schemes for aquatic vegetation coverage rate of 0 , 30%,50% and 70% on lake water environmental quality were explored . The results show that the hydrodynamic water quality model has good adaptability in the study area , and the hydrodynamic simulation accuracy is excellent . The NSE and RE of water level simulation is 0.78 and 5.75% respectively . With the increase in the coverage rate of aquatic plant community , the residence time of water body was prolonged , and the concentration of pollutants such as COD , NH3-N and NO3--N in the river was effectively reduced . When the vegetation coverage rate reaches 70% , the velocity of water surface slows down and the overall rate is 0.15~0.30 cm·s-1 , and the concentration degradation rate of COD , NH3-N and NO3--N pollutants slows down . The simulation results show that the optimal vegetation coverage rate is 50%~70% .

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