
  • 王凯,陈磊,杨念,陆海明,习斌,沈珍瑶.从田块到水体:基于源-流-汇理念的非点源污染全过程核算方法[J].环境科学学报,2022,42(1):269-279

  • 从田块到水体:基于源-流-汇理念的非点源污染全过程核算方法
  • From field to water body: The whole process accounting method of non-point source pollution based on the source-flow-sink concept
  • 基金项目:国家自然科学基金面上项目(No.51779010);国家基金委创新群体项目(No.51721093)
  • 作者
  • 单位
  • 王凯
  • 北京师范大学环境学院,北京 100875;南京水利科学研究院水文水资源与水利工程科学国家重点实验室,南京 210029
  • 陈磊
  • 北京师范大学环境学院,北京 100875
  • 杨念
  • 北京师范大学环境学院,北京 100875
  • 陆海明
  • 南京水利科学研究院水文水资源与水利工程科学国家重点实验室,南京 210029
  • 习斌
  • 农业农村部农业生态与资源保护总站,北京 100125
  • 沈珍瑶
  • 北京师范大学环境学院,北京 100875
  • 摘要:目前,国内外已开展了大量农业非点源污染核算研究,但大部分经验模型缺乏对非点源污染入水体过程的考虑,而机理模型则受到资料限制,大尺度应用难度较大.针对传统研究面临的未考虑入水体过程、难以精细化模拟等核心问题,本研究基于源-流-汇理念和栅格汇流算法,构建了耦合源负荷核算、入水体过程核算、植被截留核算等模块的农业非点源污染物全过程核算方法(Grid confluence based agricultural nonpoint source pollution calculation method, GC-ANPSM).案例研究表明,GC-ANPSM方法具有较好的适用性,径流模拟误差为24.3%,总氮模拟误差为9.78%.该方法可为少监测资料地区的农业非点源污染物全过程核算提供理论和技术基础,同时为制定农业环境保护政策提供决策依据.
  • Abstract:Numerous studies have been conducted to calculate the load of agricultural non-point source pollution at watershed scale. For instance, empirical models and mechanism models have been widely used in the past years. However, the processes of non-point source pollution are ignored in most of the empirical models, and the mechanism model is difficult to be applied in large scale due to the limited data. In this study, we proposed a new method-grid confluence based agricultural nonpoint source pollution calculation method (GC-ANPSM). The method coupled the processes of pollutants generation, transport and interception based on the source-flow-sink concept and grid convergence algorithm. The results showed that the error for runoff simulation was 24.3% and for total nitrogen was 9.78% by applying GC-ANPSM, indicating the method has good applicability in our research area. The method can provide a theoretical and technical basis for agricultural non-point source pollutants calculation in areas without monitoring data, and serve as a guideline for a better agricultural environmental protection.

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