
  • 张耀方,常国梁,黄炳彬,徐文静,张卓毅,刘自飞,张守红,叶芝菡.基于SWAT模型以北运河上游流域氮负荷削减为重点的山水林田湖草修复措施配置研究[J].环境科学学报,2022,42(2):13-22

  • 基于SWAT模型以北运河上游流域氮负荷削减为重点的山水林田湖草修复措施配置研究
  • Study on mountains-rivers-forests-farmlands-lakes-grasslands measures of reducing nitrogen load in the upstream watershed of North Canal based on SWAT model
  • 基金项目:国家水体污染控制与治理科技重大专项(No.2017ZX07102-001)
  • 作者
  • 单位
  • 张耀方
  • 北京市水科学技术研究院,北京 100048
  • 常国梁
  • 北京市水科学技术研究院,北京 100048
  • 黄炳彬
  • 北京市水科学技术研究院,北京 100048
  • 徐文静
  • 北京林业大学,北京 100083
  • 张卓毅
  • 北京市畜牧业环境监测站,北京102299
  • 刘自飞
  • 北京市土肥工作站,北京100088
  • 张守红
  • 北京林业大学,北京 100083
  • 叶芝菡
  • 北京市水科学技术研究院,北京 100048
  • 摘要:利用SWAT模型对北运河上游流域进行模拟分析,评估了4类10项24种山水林田湖草生态治理措施对氮负荷的削减效果及山水林田湖草系统治理措施效果.结果表明,径流率定及验证纳什系数(NSE)>0.50,相对误差(PBIAS)≤±40%,泥沙量、氮负荷总体PBIAS≤±40%,SWAT模型对径流、泥沙、总氮的模拟值与实测值展现出较高的一致性.对总氮削减效率依次为村镇污水处理>畜禽养殖退出>生态护岸>城镇雨水利用>农田果园植草沟>河道、农田植被缓冲带>果园节肥节药>农田节肥、林下结构提升,建议在措施布设方面以城镇面源污染控制为重点,辅以河湖水系生态修复及农业面源污染防治.其中,城镇面源污染推荐采取提高20%不透水铺装率、提升40%村镇污染处理率2项措施;河道推荐采用提升岸坡植被覆盖率及乔灌草优化配置措施、5 m宽河道缓冲带;农业面源污染防治以果园及养殖业面源污染防治为重点,其中,果园推荐采取5 m宽的生态沟渠、果园面积:过滤带面积为10∶1的植被过滤带、有机肥减少50%施用量3项措施;养殖业面源污染防治推荐采用养殖废弃物100%资源化利用,并减少30%污水量.山水林田湖草一体化措施对总氮削减率可达26%,效果显著优于单一生态修复措施.研究成果可为山水林田湖草系统治理空间措施布局、分步分阶段削减总氮提供参考.
  • Abstract:Based on SWAT model, the reduction of non-point source nitrogen load was evaluated by applying 4 categories 10 items 24 species mountains-rivers-forests-farmlands-lakes-grasslands ecological management measures and system governance in the upstream watershed of the North Canal. The results showed that the simulated values of SWAT model were highly consistent with the measured values. The calibration and verification results of on hydrological station achieved NSE>0.50, PBIAS≤±40%, sediment and nitrogen load overall achieved PBIAS≤±40%. The total nitrogen reduction efficiency was in the order of rural sewage treatment>livestock and poultry breeding exit>ecological revetment>urban rainwater utilization>farmland orchard grass planting ditch>river channel, farmland vegetation buffer zone>orchard fertilizer saving and medicine saving>farmland fertilizer saving and forest structure improvement. It is suggested to focus on urban non-point source pollution control, supplemented by river lake ecosystem restoration and agricultural non-point source pollution control. Urban non-point source pollution can be improved by 20% of impervious pavement rate and 40% of rural pollution treatment rate. The measures of improving the vegetation coverage of bank slope, optimizing the allocation of arbor, shrub and grass, and 5 m wide buffer zone are adopted in the river channel. The prevention and control of agricultural non-point source pollution focuses on orchards and livestock and poultry breeding. The prevention and control of orchards pollution is recommended to adopt three measures: 5 m wide ecological ditch and vegetation filter belt layout according to the orchard area: the filter zone area is 10:1, and the application amount of organic fertilizer is reduced by 50%. The prevention and control of livestock and poultry breeding pollution is recommended to use 100% of breeding waste as resources and reduce the amount of sewage by 30%. The mountains-rivers-forests-farmlands-lakes -grasslands ecological management measures reduction rate of total nitrogen can reach 26%, and the effect is significantly better than a single ecological restoration measure. The research results can provide a reference for the layout of spatial control measures and step-by-step and phased reduction of total nitrogen.

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