
  • 张雪莲,王学霞,金强,杜晓玉,刘自飞,张梦佳,赵青春,廖洪,于跃跃,刘彬,张新刚,崔同华,张海伶,文方芳.控释掺混肥对菜田土壤脲酶和氮转化功能基因影响及硝酸盐淋溶削减研究[J].环境科学学报,2022,42(2):42-51

  • 控释掺混肥对菜田土壤脲酶和氮转化功能基因影响及硝酸盐淋溶削减研究
  • Study on the effects of controlled release blended fertilizer on urease activity, nitrogen transformation functional genes and nitrate leaching reduction
  • 基金项目:国家水体污染控制与治理科技重大专项(No.2017ZX07102-001)
  • 作者
  • 单位
  • 张雪莲
  • 北京市土肥工作站,北京 100029
  • 王学霞
  • 北京市农林科学院植物营养与资源研究所,北京 100097
  • 金强
  • 北京市土肥工作站,北京 100029
  • 杜晓玉
  • 北京市土肥工作站,北京 100029
  • 刘自飞
  • 北京市土肥工作站,北京 100029
  • 张梦佳
  • 北京市土肥工作站,北京 100029
  • 赵青春
  • 北京市土肥工作站,北京 100029
  • 廖洪
  • 北京市土肥工作站,北京 100029
  • 于跃跃
  • 北京市土肥工作站,北京 100029
  • 刘彬
  • 北京市土肥工作站,北京 100029
  • 张新刚
  • 北京市土肥工作站,北京 100029
  • 崔同华
  • 平谷区农业技术推广站,北京 101200
  • 张海伶
  • 平谷区农业技术推广站,北京 101200
  • 文方芳
  • 北京市土肥工作站,北京 100029
  • 摘要:以西蓝花为对象,研究了露地菜田不同施肥方式下土壤氮转化酶、氮转化功能基因及氮吸收量的差异,监测了西蓝花生育期内不同时期0~100 cm土壤硝态氮含量动态变化.结果表明:①施氮处理(CF、CU80%和CU60%)土壤脲酶活性是缺氮处理(PK)的1.78~3.11倍,差异显著(p<0.05),并且其AOA、AOB、nirS、nirK和nosZ丰度分别较PK处理分别增加了26.35%~50.98%、57.69%~126.73%、50.76%~120.79%、31.41%~118.07%和39.45%~282.95%.减氮20%控释掺混肥一次性底施处理(CU80%和CU60%)与传统底追结合施肥处理(CF)之间的脲酶活性和氮转化功能基因丰度均无显著差异(p>0.05).②不同施肥处理植株全氮含量和吸氮量无显著差异(p>0.05).③与CF处理相比,CU80%处理提高了0~20 cm土壤硝态氮供应,其含量是CF处理的1.97~15.22倍.④试验开始后第31 d,施肥、灌溉和降雨导致试验地块40~60 cm和60~80 cm土壤硝态氮平均含量分别增加到种植前的3.37倍和7.33倍,且80~100 cm土壤硝态氮含量高达23.22 mg·kg-1.西蓝花采收后,试验区各土层硝态氮平均含量均降到8 mg·kg-1以下,表明西蓝花种植期间发生了明显的硝酸盐淋溶.⑤追肥、灌溉和降雨导致CF处理40~60、60~80和80~100 cm土壤硝态氮含量分别增加到55.98、51.69和36.04 mg·kg-1,而CU80%处理相应土层的硝态氮含量分别仅为CF处理的5.91%、18.61%和26.69%.综上结果表明,减氮20%控释掺混肥一次性底施(CU80%)在满足土壤氮转化、耕层氮供应和作物吸氮的前提下,有效削减了硝态氮淋溶,显著降低了农田面源污染.
  • Abstract:In this manuscript, the variation of soil urease activity, nitrogen transformation functional genes abundance and nitrogen uptake in broccoli, as well as the dynamic changes of nitrate concentration in 0~100 cm soils were studied during the growth period of broccoli in open vegetable field under different fertilization treatments. The results revealed that:①Soil urease activity under nitrogen applying treatments (CF、CU80% and CU60%) were 1.78~3.11 times higher than that in the treatment without nitrogen (PK). The differences were significant (p<0.05). The AOA, AOB, nirS, nirK and nosZ gene abundances separately increased by 26.35%~50.98%, 57.69%~126.73%, 50.76%~120.79%, 31.41%~118.07% and 39.45%~282.95% compared with PK treatment. Soil urease activity and nitrogen transformation functional genes did not show any significant differences between controlled release blended fertilizer with 20% rate reduction of N one-time applying treatment (CU80% and CU60%) and traditional base fertilizer combined with topdressing treatment (CF) (p>0.05). ② The total nitrogen content in plant and nitrogen uptake content by plant showed no difference under different fertilization treatments (p>0.05). ③Compared with CF, CU80% enhanced the nitrate supply in 0~20 cm soils, in which the nitrate concentration was 1.97~15.22 times of that in CF treatment. ④On the 31st day after planting, due to fertilization, irrigation and precipitation, the average nitrate concentration in soil at depth of 40~60 cm and 60~80 cm in experiment area were individually increased to about 3.37 and 7.33 times of the concentration before planting and the nitrate concentration in soil at depth of 80~100 cm was 23.22 mg·kg-1. However, the average soil nitrate concentration decreased to lower than 8 mg·kg-1 in all different depths after harvest, indicating that obvious nitrate leaching occurred during the planting of broccoli.⑤Topdressing, irrigation and precipitation increased the soil nitrate concentrations at depth of 40~60 cm, 60~80 cm and 80~100 cm, which separately increased to 55.98 mg·kg-1, 51.69 mg·kg-1 and 36.04 mg·kg-1 in CF treatment, while the nitrate concentrations at corresponding soil depths under CU80% treatment were 5.91%, 18.61% and 26.69% of that under CF treatment. These results revealed that controlled release blended fertilizer with 20% rate reduction of N one-time applying treatment (CU80%) could not only maintain soil nitrogen transformation, nitrogen supply and plant uptake, but also significantly reduce the nitrate leaching and farmland non-point pollution.

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