
  • 王妍燕,师欣茹,毕文龙,秦俊梅,刘奋武.施氏矿物协同Cu(II)活化过硫酸盐去除水中土霉素的效果[J].环境科学学报,2022,42(2):108-116

  • 施氏矿物协同Cu(II)活化过硫酸盐去除水中土霉素的效果
  • Schwertmannite in cooperation with Cu(II) activate persulfate to remove oxytetracycline from water
  • 基金项目:山西省重点研发计划项目(No.201803D221002-2,201903D221015);山西省“1331工程”资助项目(No.20211331-15);山西省应用基础研究计划项目(No.201901D211353)
  • 作者
  • 单位
  • 王妍燕
  • 山西农业大学资源环境学院,晋中 030801
  • 师欣茹
  • 山西农业大学资源环境学院,晋中 030801
  • 毕文龙
  • 山西农业大学资源环境学院,晋中 030801
  • 秦俊梅
  • 山西农业大学资源环境学院,晋中 030801
  • 刘奋武
  • 山西农业大学资源环境学院,晋中 030801
  • 摘要:畜禽粪污排放致使水体遭受土霉素(OTC)及重金属污染已成为环境领域的热点问题.本研究考察了施氏矿物协同Cu(II)活化过硫酸盐去除水中OTC的效果及施氏矿物循环利用效果.结果表明,在施氏矿物(Sch)加入量为0.8 g·L-1,过硫酸钠(PS)浓度为180 μmol·L-1,Cu(II)浓度为40 mmol·L-1的条件下作用3 h,水中OTC(60 μmol·L-1)去除率为74.3%.当用100 W功率紫外灯照射OTC+Cu(II)+PS+Sch处理体系,OTC在3 h时的去除率为98.5%,TOC去除率达到78.2%.施氏矿物循环第4批与首批结果相比较,体系OTC与TOC去除率无明显差异,OTC+ Cu(II)+PS+Sch体系在暗反应条件下首批与循环利用第4批对OTC的去除率分别为74.3%、78.4%,相应TOC的去除率分别为39.1%、39.8%;当用100 W功率紫外灯照射该体系,首批与循环第4批对OTC的去除率分别为98.5%、98.6%,相应TOC的去除率分别为78.2%、80.7%.本研究结果可为含有抗生素及铜离子废水的高级氧化处理提供一定的参数支撑.
  • Abstract:Oxytetracycline (OTC) and heavy metal pollution caused by the discharge of livestock and poultry manure has become a hot issue in the field of environment.This study investigated the effect of Schwertmannite (Sch) in cooperation with Cu(II) activated persulfate to remove OTC from water and the Sch recycling performance.The results show that when the addition of Sch is 0.8 g·L-1,the concentration of sodium persulfate (PS) is 180 μmol·L-1,and the concentration of Cu(II) is 40 mmol·L-1 for 3 h,the removal rate of OTC (60 μmol·L-1) is 74.3%.Furthermore,the removal rate of OTC and TOC can reach 98.5% and 78.2%,respectively when the OTC+Cu(II)+PS+Sch system is irradiated under 100 W-UV.Compared with the results of the first batch and the fourth batch for recycling,the removal rate of OTC and TOC have no obvious change with recycling of Sch for four times.For example,the OTC removal rate of first batch and fourth batch for recycling are 74.3% and 78.4%,respectively,and the corresponding TOC removal rates are 39.1% and 39.8% when the OTC+Cu(II)+PS+Sch system under dark condition.However,the OTC removal rate of first and fourth batch for recycling are 98.5% and 98.6%,respectively,and the corresponding TOC removal rates are 78.2% and 80.7% when the OTC+Cu(II)+PS+Sch system under 100 W-UV condition.The results of this study can provide some parameters for advanced oxidation treatment of water containing antibiotics and copper.

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