
  • 操梦颖,杜俊逸,桂梦瑶,吴代赦.多种进水碳源条件下侧流活性污泥工艺的脱氮除磷机制[J].环境科学学报,2022,42(2):126-137

  • 多种进水碳源条件下侧流活性污泥工艺的脱氮除磷机制
  • Nitrogen and phosphorus removal mechanisms of the sidestream activated sludge process based on diverse inlet carbon sources
  • 基金项目:水体污染控制与治理科技重大专项(No.2017ZX07301005-001-01)
  • 作者
  • 单位
  • 操梦颖
  • 南昌大学资源环境与化工学院,南昌 330031;鄱阳湖环境与资源利用教育部重点实验室,南昌 330031
  • 杜俊逸
  • 南昌大学资源环境与化工学院,南昌 330031;鄱阳湖环境与资源利用教育部重点实验室,南昌 330031
  • 桂梦瑶
  • 南昌大学资源环境与化工学院,南昌 330031;鄱阳湖环境与资源利用教育部重点实验室,南昌 330031
  • 吴代赦
  • 南昌大学资源环境与化工学院,南昌 330031;鄱阳湖环境与资源利用教育部重点实验室,南昌 330031
  • 摘要:为提高污水氮磷营养盐的去除能力和稳定性,侧流活性污泥工艺开始被应用于世界多地的污水处理项目.污水有机碳的水解代谢行为影响侧流工艺的营养盐去除机制,但目前的研究多侧重简单碳源物质.本文采用多种碳源种类(简单碳源乙酸钠,大分子碳源葡萄糖、淀粉、蛋白胨、豆油及其组合)模拟实际污水有机碳组成,以探索更复杂碳源在侧流工艺(主流一级A/O与侧流厌氧组合)中的水解代谢规律及相应微生物群落结构变化,并探讨不同碳源条件下氮磷的去除机制.整体上,基于一级A/O的侧流工艺的氨氮去除效率低于80%,但除磷效率普遍高于90%.尽管去除效率不同,本研究侧流工艺氮磷的主要去除机制可能是污泥在主流好氧阶段的同化吸收.主流挥发性脂肪酸、聚羟基烷酸酯与糖原含量的变化作为复杂碳源的水解和代谢指标,指示污泥好氧同化营养盐以及厌氧释放营养盐的程度.侧流厌氧没有显著改善一级A/O的脱氮性能,或增加聚磷菌的相对丰度,但可能增强污泥水解与氮磷释放,为主流反应器中大分子碳源的快速利用提供充足的(水解)微生物基础.
  • Abstract:To improve the removal of nitrogen and phosphorus from wastewater, the sidestream activated sludge process has been applied to sewage treatment projects around the world. Although hydrolysis and metabolism of sewage organic carbons affect the nutrient removal mechanism of sidestream activated sludge process, current reseach is mainly based on simple carbon sources. Diverse carbon sources similar to the composition of actual domestic wastewater (including simple carbon sources of sodium acetate, macromolecular carbon sources of glucose, starch, peptone, soybean oil and their combination) were therefore used to explore the hydrolysis and metabolism behaviors as well as microbial community changes in a sidestream activated sludge process (mainstream A/O coupled with sidestream anaerobic reactors). Nitrogen and phosphorus removal mechanisms were also discussed in the case of complex carbon sources. The nitrogen removal efficiency of the sidestream activated sludge process was less than 80%, whereas the phosphorus removal efficiency was generally above 90%. Despite of different removal efficiencies, nitrogen and phosphorus removal mechanisms may be attributed to a common assimilation process in the mainstream aerobic stage. The changes of mainstream VFA, PHA, and glycogen concentrations indicative of the process of carbon hydrolysis and metabolism could reveal the extent to which nutrients were assimilated aerobically and released anaerobically. The inclusion of the sidestream anaerobic reactor in this study did not significantly improve the nitrogen removal performance of the mainstream single stage A/O process or increase the relative abundance of phosphorus accumulating bacteria. Nevertheless, it may enhance the sludge hydrolysis and nutrients release in the system, which furnish the rapid hydrolysis of mainstream macromolecular carbon sources with ample hydrolytic microorganisms.

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