
  • 曹润娟,姬雅彤,楼恬汝,徐向阳,朱亮.强化好氧颗粒污泥稳定性的水力条件响应研究[J].环境科学学报,2022,42(2):138-145

  • 强化好氧颗粒污泥稳定性的水力条件响应研究
  • The hydraulic response on enhancing the stability of aerobic granular sludge
  • 基金项目:国家基金中美合作课题(No.51961125101)
  • 作者
  • 单位
  • 曹润娟
  • 浙江大学环境与资源学院,杭州 310058
  • 姬雅彤
  • 浙江大学环境与资源学院,杭州 310058
  • 楼恬汝
  • 浙江大学环境与资源学院,杭州 310058
  • 徐向阳
  • 浙江大学环境与资源学院,杭州 310058
  • 朱亮
  • 浙江大学环境与资源学院,杭州 310058
  • 摘要:好氧颗粒污泥是一项极具潜力的新型污水生物处理技术,但颗粒结构易失稳是瓶颈问题.本文围绕反应体系水力条件与颗粒污泥稳定性的相互关系,以序批式生物反应器(SBR)运行过程接种污泥(0 d)、形成初期颗粒污泥(30 d)和稳定颗粒污泥(90 d)为研究对象,考察不同水力条件下颗粒污泥聚集形式和表面性质变化规律.结果表明,接种絮体污泥对反应体系雷诺数变化的响应不明显.形成初期颗粒污泥与稳定颗粒污泥随着反应体系雷诺数由0增至150,其接触角分别由50°、51°增至60°和79°,含水率分别由99.63%、99.54%降至99.51%和99.38%,污泥沉降性能明显提升;但当雷诺数过大时,粒径在500~1000 μm的污泥占比增至14%和26%,球形度在0.7~0.8的污泥占比降至30%以下,此时颗粒变形膨胀、含水率明显提高、沉降性能恶化.进一步对颗粒污泥稳定性的水力条件变化响应规律进行主成分分析发现,形成初期颗粒污泥与稳定颗粒污泥的水力条件响应较为明显,颗粒污泥稳定性特征指标响应度高低依次为:疏水性、含水率和SVI,表明控制反应体系雷诺数在一定范围是保持颗粒污泥稳定性的先决条件,结果可为好氧颗粒污泥工艺稳定运行与工程应用提供理论支撑.
  • Abstract:As a new biological wastewater treatment technology with great potential, aerobic granular sludge (AGS) is facing with the problem of structure instability. This paper focused on the relationship between the hydraulic index and granular stability index, and took the inoculation sludge (0 d), initial formation granular sludge (30 d) and stabilized granular sludge (90 d) during SBR operation as the research objects, to investigate the aggregation form of granular sludge and change of surface properties under different hydraulic conditions. The results showed that the response of inoculated flocs to the variation of hydraulic parameters such as Reynolds number was insignificant. When the Reynolds number of the reaction system increased from 0 to 150, the contact angle of initial and stabilized granular sludge increased from 50° and 51° to 60° and 79°, and the water content decreased from 99.63%, 99.54% to 99.51% and 99.38%, indicating that the sludge settling performance was significantly improved. But when the Reynolds number is too large, the proportion of sludge with granule size of 500~1000 μm increased to 14% and 26%, and sludge with a sphericity of 0.7~0.8 was reduced to less than 30%, indicating the granule expansion and water content increased obviously and then the settlement performance deteriorated. Furthermore, principal component analysis results showed that the hydraulic response of initial and stabilized granular sludge was obvious. The response index of granular characteristics was: hydrophobicity, water content and SVI. It was indicated that controlling the Reynolds number of reaction system in a certain range was the prerequisite to keep the granular sludge stable. The results could provide theoretical support for the stable operation and engineering application of aerobic granular sludge process.

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