
  • 詹骥,靖宪月,刘星,周顺桂.石墨烯/血红素仿生涂层促进电活性微生物产电的效应和机理研究[J].环境科学学报,2022,42(2):146-155

  • 石墨烯/血红素仿生涂层促进电活性微生物产电的效应和机理研究
  • Study on the effect and mechanism of biomimetic graphene/heme coating on promoting current generation of electroactive microorganisms
  • 基金项目:国家自然科学基金面上项目(No. 42077218)
  • 作者
  • 单位
  • 詹骥
  • 福建农林大学资源与环境学院,福州 350002
  • 靖宪月
  • 福建农林大学资源与环境学院,福州 350002
  • 刘星
  • 福建农林大学资源与环境学院,福州 350002
  • 周顺桂
  • 福建农林大学资源与环境学院,福州 350002
  • 摘要:阳极输出效率是决定生物电化学系统(BESs)能否实现工程化应用的基础和关键.但微生物/阳极界面的低效电子传递阻碍了BESs整体输出效率的进一步提升.本研究通过模拟细胞色素c构建了一种石墨烯/血红素(GN/Hemin)复合仿生材料修饰的高性能BESs阳极.通过监测电活性菌Shewanella loihica PV-4的电能输出动态,证实了修饰涂层对微生物/阳极界面电子传递的促进功效.结果表明,菌株PV-4利用GN/Hemin修饰阳极的最大电流密度为7.28 μA·cm-2,比无修饰阳极电流(0.65 μA·cm-2)高出10.2倍.电化学分析显示,GN/Hemin涂层显著降低了微生物/阳极界面的电荷转移阻抗,并显著提高了阳极的电化学催化活性.此外,GN/Hemin涂层能够使无产电性能的Geobacter sulfurreducens DL1突变株(Gs-ΔomcZ)恢复产电,表明GN/Hemin具有类OmcZ功能.本研究为BESs提供了一种简易的高性能阳极仿生修饰策略,同时考虑到OmcZ独特的高导电性能,石墨烯/血红素涂层的类OmcZ功能的发现将具有重要的科学和应用价值.
  • Abstract:The anode output efficiency is the fundament and key to determine whether bioelectrochemical systems (BESs) can be used for engineering application. However, the inefficient electron transfer at the microbe/anode interface hinders the further improvement of the overall output efficiency of BESs. In this study, a biomimetic graphene/hemin (GN/Hemin) composite was synthesized to simulate cytochrome c, thereafter was used to modify the anode of BESs. By monitoring the current generation of the electroactive bacterium Shewanella loihica PV-4, the effect of the biomimetic coating on promoting electron transfer at the microbe/anode interface was confirmed. The results showed that the maximum current density of the GN/Hemin modified anode was 7.28 μA·cm-2, which was 10.2 times higher than that of unmodified anode (0.65 μA·cm-2). Electrochemical analysis showed that the GN/Hemin coating significantly reduced the charge transfer resistance of the microbe/anode interface but improved the electrochemical catalytic activity of the anode. Furthermore, the GN/Hemin coating restored the current generation of the Geobacter sulfurreducens current generation deficient mutant strain (Gs-ΔomcZ), indicating that GN/Hemin has an OmcZ-like function. This study provides a facile anode modification strategy using biomimetic coating to construct high-performance BESs. Meanwhile, considering the unique high conductivity of OmcZ, the discovery of the OmcZ-like function of graphene/heme coating has important scientific and application value.

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