
  • 牛司平,于江华,程一松.长江经济带典型矿业城市马鞍山市大气污染特征及颗粒物潜在源研究[J].环境科学学报,2022,42(2):283-297

  • 长江经济带典型矿业城市马鞍山市大气污染特征及颗粒物潜在源研究
  • Air pollution and potential contributors of particulate matter in Ma’anshan, a typical mining city from Yangtze Economic Zone
  • 基金项目:江苏省大气环境监测与污染控制高技术研究重点实验室开放基金项目; 江苏高校优势学科建设工程资助项目;安徽省留学归国人员创新创业扶持计划项目
  • 作者
  • 单位
  • 牛司平
  • 安徽工业大学能源与环境学院环境科学与工程系,马鞍山 243002
  • 于江华
  • 南京信息工程大学大气环境与装备技术协同创新中心,南京信息工程大学江苏省大气环境检测与污染控制高技术研究重点实验室,南京信息工程大学环境科学与工程学院,南京210044
  • 程一松
  • 安徽绿友节能环保科技有限公司,马鞍山 243002
  • 摘要:本文利用2017—2020年监测数据对长江经济带典型矿业城市马鞍山市的主要大气污染物(PM2.5、PM10、SO2、CO和O3)进行了系统性分析.2017—2020年PM10和PM2.5的年均浓度分别为85.55、78.15、70.39、57.77 μg·m-3和50.44、 45.21、43.36、36.30 μg·m-3,均超过对应的年度空气质量二级标准限值.数据还表明SO2日均值没有出现超过二级标准的情况,NO2的超标情况也很少.虽然CO的浓度没有超过相应的二级标准,但由于受到城市产业结构的影响,其浓度水平要明显高于周边城市.近年来,马鞍山市的空气质量虽然有所改善,但颗粒物污染问题仍然需要重视.通过计算特征比值发现固定源对PM2.5的贡献有所减少,而移动源和二次生成的贡献逐步增大,尤其是在冬季.潜在源贡献因子法(WPSCF)和浓度权重轨迹法(WCWT)分析表明颗粒物的主要贡献源分布在安徽省的阜阳、亳州、淮南和淮北,以及河南省的周口、商丘和山东省的部分城市.
  • Abstract:Based on the monitoring data from 2017 to 2020, the major air pollutants (PM2.5, PM10, SO2, CO and O3) from Ma'anshan, a typical mining city in the Yangtze River economic zone, were systematically analyzed. During 2017 to 2020, the annual average concentrations were 85.55, 78.15, 70.39, 57.77 μg·m-3 for PM10 and 50.44, 45.21, 43.36, 36.30 μg·m-3 for PM2.5, which were higher than the secondary standard for PM10 and PM2.5 required by China, respectively. Meanwhile, SO2 did not exceed the secondary standard of daily average, and the high concentration of NO2 over the standard just appeared with very few occasions. Though the concentration of CO did not exceed the secondary standard, it was obviously higher than that of surrounding cities due to the discharge from mining industry. During recent years, the air quality of Ma'anshan City has been improved, but the pollution by particulate matter still needs to be paid attention. The characteristic ratio of specific pollutants indicates that the contribution of fixed source to PM2.5 had been decreased, while that from mobile source and secondary generation had been increased gradually, especially in winter. Both the analysis of WPSCF and WCWT shows that the main potential contribution sources of particulate matter are located in Fuyang, Bozhou, Huainan and Huaibei of Anhui Province, Zhoukou and Shangqiu of Henan Province and some cities of Shandong Province.

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