
  • 王雪悦,陈庆强.崇明岛东部不同年代围垦区土壤有机质组成变化研究[J].环境科学学报,2022,42(2):374-387

  • 崇明岛东部不同年代围垦区土壤有机质组成变化研究
  • Changes of soil organic matter composition in typical reclamation areas of Eastern Chongming Island
  • 基金项目:国家自然科学基金项目(No.42077279,41471161)
  • 作者
  • 单位
  • 王雪悦
  • 华东师范大学河口海岸学国家重点实验室,上海 200241
  • 陈庆强
  • 华东师范大学河口海岸学国家重点实验室,上海 200241
  • 摘要:在崇明岛东部不同年代围垦区选择4个典型部位的钻孔样品,应用热裂解气相色谱质谱联用技术(Py-GC-MS),取得土壤有机质热裂解产物的类型与相对含量,从分子层面探究埋藏盐沼土壤有机质组成特征,研究土壤有机质稳定性随时间的变化规律.结果表明,自西向东4个钻孔的样品(CM2、CM4、CM5、CM6)中,分别检测到53、80、47、21种有机质热裂解产物,主要包括脂肪族化合物(烷烃、烯烃、脂肪酸等)、芳香族化合物(芳烃、多环芳烃等)、杂环化合物、酚类化合物、多糖、含氮化合物及含硫化合物.随着埋藏时间增加,由CM6、CM5、CM4至CM2样品,盐沼土壤有机质热裂解产物中脂肪族化合物、含氮化合物、酚类化合物等化学稳定性相对较高的组分增多,杂环化合物含量增加且多环芳烃/芳烃的含量比值升高,表明难降解物质逐渐累积,埋藏盐沼土壤有机质化学稳定性逐渐增强.
  • Abstract:Four typical soil cores(CM2,CM4,CM5,CM6)in reclamation areas built from 1960s to 1990s in the Eastern Chongming Island,were selected in this study for deciphering the stability nature of organic matters in buried salt marsh strata. A amount of different kinds of pyrolysis products in soil organic matter(SOM)were determined by pyrolysis gas chromatography-mass spectrometry(Py-GC-MS). The variation of SOM composition in the buried salt marsh strata was obtained at molecular level and the stability of the SOM from different-time reclamation areas was studied. The results showed there were 53,80,47 and 21 kinds of pyrolysis products of organic matter for CM2,CM4,CM5,CM6,respectively. The dominant kinds of the pyrolysis products in all SOM are as aliphatic compounds (alkanes,olefins,fatty acids,etc.),aromatic compounds (aromatic,polyaromatic,etc.),heterocyclic compounds,phenolic compounds,polysaccharides,N-compounds and S-compounds. Amounts of aliphatic compounds,N-compounds,phenolic compounds and other components with relatively high chemical stability in the pyrolysis products of SOM increased with time from CM6,CM5,CM4 to CM2. The increase in the content of heterocyclic compounds and the content ratio of polyaromatic to aromatic indicated that refractory components accumulated and the chemical stability of SOM was enhanced with time.

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