
  • 李金津,史静怡,文婷,陈云峰,张玉峰,伍玉鹏.不同四环素浓度对好氧堆肥和蚯蚓堆肥过程影响的对比研究[J].环境科学学报,2022,42(4):259-267

  • 不同四环素浓度对好氧堆肥和蚯蚓堆肥过程影响的对比研究
  • Comparative study on the effects of tetracycline content on aerobic composting and vermicomposting processes
  • 基金项目:农业农村部废弃物肥料化利用重点实验室开放课题(No.KLFAW201902);大学生科技创新基金(SRF)
  • 作者
  • 单位
  • 李金津
  • 华中农业大学资源与环境学院,武汉430070
  • 史静怡
  • 华中农业大学资源与环境学院,武汉430070
  • 文婷
  • 华中农业大学资源与环境学院,武汉430070
  • 陈云峰
  • 农业农村部废弃物肥料化利用重点试验室,武汉 430064
  • 张玉峰
  • 廊坊师范学院,廊坊 065000
  • 伍玉鹏
  • 华中农业大学资源与环境学院,武汉430070
  • 摘要:好氧堆肥及蚯蚓堆肥是对畜禽粪便进行肥料化处置的有效方式,但畜禽粪便中残留的不同浓度四环素对二者堆肥过程的影响是否相同却并不清楚.因此,将不同浓度(5、25、125 mg·kg-1)的四环素添加到牛粪-秸秆物料中,对比了好氧堆肥与蚯蚓堆肥堆制过程中堆体腐熟度指标的变化、堆肥产品养分含量的区别以及堆肥产品中四环素去除效率的差异,以期为不同浓度四环素的畜禽粪便肥料化提供适宜的处置方法.研究结果显示,高浓度(125 mg·kg-1)四环素添加延缓了好氧堆肥的升温进程,但与低浓度(5、25 mg·kg-1)四环素添加处理相比并未显著影响堆体的腐熟度指标、堆肥产品总养分含量及速效养分含量.高浓度(125 mg·kg-1)四环素添加导致了蚯蚓堆肥中蚯蚓密度和生物量的显著下降,并导致蚯蚓堆肥无法正常启动.在蚯蚓堆肥中,低浓度(5、25 mg·kg-1)四环素添加处理之间在堆体的腐熟度指标,堆肥产品总养分含量及速效养分含量方面无显著差异.好氧堆肥对畜禽粪便中四环素的去除率可达90%以上,显著高于低浓度(5、25 mg·kg-1)四环素添加处理下的蚯蚓堆肥(达80%),但蚯蚓堆肥获得的堆肥产品在速效养分含量、pH值、GI值及C/N等指标方面要优于好氧堆肥.因此,对于低浓度四环素含量的畜禽粪便,可优先选择蚯蚓堆肥进行肥料化处置,以获得更优品质的堆肥产品,而对于高浓度四环素含量的畜禽粪便,只能选择好氧堆肥进行肥料化处置.
  • Abstract:Aerobic composting and vermicomposting are effective ways to achieve organic fertilizer from livestock manure, however, it is not clear whether tetracycline with different concentrations in livestock manure will change the composting process. Therefore, in this study, tetracycline with different concentrations (5, 25, 125 mg·kg-1) was added to cow manure-straw mixed materials. Then, the changes of compost maturity index, tetracycline removal efficiency and nutrient content of compost products were measured in the aerobic composting and vermicomposting. The aim of the present study is to provide an appropriate disposal method for livestock manure to make compost with different tetracycline concentrations. The results showed that high concentration of tetracycline (125 mg·kg-1) delayed the heating process of aerobic composting. However, there was no significant (p<0.05) difference on maturity index, total nutrient content and available nutrient content of compost products between the treatments with different tetracycline concentrations during the aerobic composting. High concentration of tetracycline (125 mg·kg-1) resulted in a significant decrease in the density and biomass of earthworm, which failed the startup of vermicomposting. There was no significant difference in the maturity index, total nutrient content and available nutrient content of compost products under low concentration (5 and 25 mg·kg-1) of tetracycline during the vermicomposting. The removal rate of tetracycline in livestock manure by aerobic composting was more than 90%, which was significantly higher than that of vermicomposting (up to 80%). However, the composting products obtained from vermicomposting showed a significant higher available nutrient content, GI value and significant lower pH value, C / N ratio than the products from aerobic composting. Therefore, vermicomposting is suggested for the treatment of livestock manure with low concentration of tetracycline, to obtain a better quality composting products. While aerobic compost can be used in the treatment of livestock manure with high concentration of tetracycline.

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