
  • 文金科,王体健,马根慧,盛湘渝,王玉政,陆晓波,项华均,吴冬玲,李光明.WRF-Chem与ADMS对城区尺度大气污染精细化模拟的比较[J].环境科学学报,2022,42(4):276-292

  • WRF-Chem与ADMS对城区尺度大气污染精细化模拟的比较
  • Comparison between WRF-Chem and ADMS in the refined simulation of urban scale air pollution
  • 基金项目:国家重点研发计划项目(No.2020YFA0607802,2019YFC0214603,2018YFC0213503)
  • 作者
  • 单位
  • 文金科
  • 南京大学大气科学学院,南京 210023
  • 王体健
  • 南京大学大气科学学院,南京 210023
  • 马根慧
  • CERC环境科技(北京)有限公司,北京 100012
  • 盛湘渝
  • 英国剑桥环境研究公司1
  • 王玉政
  • 江苏博识环境产业研究院有限公司,南京 211111
  • 陆晓波
  • 江苏南京环境监测中心,南京 210013
  • 项华均
  • 南京市江宁生态环境局,南京 211100
  • 吴冬玲
  • 河南省濮阳生态环境监测中心,濮阳 457100
  • 李光明
  • 河南省濮阳生态环境监测中心,濮阳 457100
  • 摘要:精细化模拟对城市大气污染预报、朔源和管控具有重要意义.本文以南京市江宁区为例,利用中尺度数值模式WRF-Chem和三维高斯型模式ADMS,针对典型污染个例,开展城区尺度大气污染高分辨模拟,并对其结果进行比较分析.此外,探讨了WRF-Chem中不同城市冠层方案的模拟效果以及ADMS中不同街道峡谷特征对街道内污染扩散的影响.结果表明, WRF-Chem和ADMS都可以合理模拟内外源对关心区域的影响,实现对城区尺度大气污染的高分辨和高效率模拟;相对SLAB、BEP城市冠层方案,WRF-Chem中的UCM方案表现更好,且其模拟性能较ADMS略优;ADMS模拟街道峡谷效应时,街道和建筑尺度参数对模拟结果有较大影响,街道越窄、建筑越高,越不利于街道内污染物的扩散.综合而言,对于城区尺度的大气污染精细化模拟,使用UCM方案的WRF-Chem和ADMS都具有一定的模拟能力,可以根据计算效率和分辨率的要求选用不同模型开展研究.
  • Abstract:Refined simulation is of great significance to air pollution forecasting, tracing and control. In this study, high-resolution air pollution simulations for typical pollution cases were carried out in Jiangning District of Nanjing by using the mesoscale numerical model WRF-Chem and the three-dimensional Gaussian model ADMS. We compared the simulation results of the two models, discussed the result of different urban canopy schemes in WRF-Chem, and analyzed the impact of different street canyon features on pollution diffusion in the street in ADMS. We found that both WRF-Chem and ADMS can capture the impact of internal and external sources on the target area, achieve high resolution and high efficiency simulation for the urban scale air pollution. In WRF-Chem, the performance of UCM scheme is better than SLAB scheme and BEP scheme. The UCM scheme also performed slightly better than ADMS. When using ADMS to simulate the street canyon effect, street and building scale parameters have a great influence on the simulation results. The narrower the street and the higher the building, the more unfavorable it is to the diffusion of pollutants in the street. In general, both WRF-Chem with UCM scheme and ADMS can simulate the high-resolution urban scale air pollution, we can choose different model for research according to the requirements of calculation efficiency and resolution.

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