
  • 陈辰,洪莹莹,刘礼,谭浩波,吴蒙,司徒淑娉,步巧利,程银琳,周炎.佛山春季两次典型臭氧污染过程分析[J].环境科学学报,2022,42(4):304-314

  • 佛山春季两次典型臭氧污染过程分析
  • Analysis of two typical ozone pollution processes in Foshan in spring
  • 基金项目:国家重点研发计划项目(No.2016YFC0201901);广东省气象局科研项目(No.GRMC2019M30,GRMC2018M07);广东省气象局科技创新团队项目(No.GRMCTD202003);广东省科技计划项目(科技创新平台类)(No.2019B121201002);国家环境保护区域空气质量监测重点 实验室开放基金(No.SRAQM02202001);广东省基础与应用基础研究基金区域联合基金-青年基金(No.2019A1515110791)
  • 作者
  • 单位
  • 陈辰
  • 佛山市气象局,佛山 528000;广东省环珠江口气候环境与空气质量变化野外科学观测研究站,广州 510275
  • 洪莹莹
  • 广东省生态气象中心(珠三角环境气象预报预警中心),广州 510640
  • 刘礼
  • 中国气象局广州热带海洋气象研究所,广州 510640
  • 谭浩波
  • 佛山市气象局,佛山 528000
  • 吴蒙
  • 佛山市气象局,佛山 528000;广东省环珠江口气候环境与空气质量变化野外科学观测研究站,广州 510275
  • 司徒淑娉
  • 广东省佛山生态环境监测站,佛山 528000
  • 步巧利
  • 佛山市气象局,佛山 528000
  • 程银琳
  • 佛山市气象局,佛山 528000
  • 周炎
  • 广东省佛山生态环境监测站,佛山 528000
  • 摘要:近地层臭氧污染与气象条件密切相关,为了解珠三角地区春季臭氧(O3)污染的气象成因,选取了2020年4月9日和28日佛山地区春季两次典型O3污染过程进行对比分析.结果表明:①小风、低湿和高温是造成佛山春季O3污染发生的气象成因.②两次过程各站点O3峰值浓度大致出现在16:00—18:00,较年均统计偏晚1 h左右,最高气温明显低于夏、秋季;大多数站点日变化以单峰型为主,部分站点受局地风场和 城市下风向传输影响呈现“倒U型”和“双峰型”.③垂直探测分析表明,4月9日O3污染过程主要由局地反应生成,垂直方向下沉气流主导,污染主要积聚在1000 m以下的近地面层;28日受局地生成和垂直交换作用影响,O3污染自下而上扩展,且早间残留层下传影响显著.④与长距离和高层输送相比,短途和低层传输对局地O3污染发生的作用更为明显(输送频率可达60%以上).春季佛山地区O3污染的主要传输源为珠三角东部和南部地区,污染防控除做好本地防控工作外,还应重视区域协同控制.⑤与回流指数相比,综合考虑污染物回流现象和光化学反应的臭氧气象指数(MIO)对O3污染具有更好的指示意义,O3最大8 h浓度(MDA8)与MIO的相关系数r可达0.78.
  • Abstract:Near-surface ozone pollution is closely related to meteorological conditions. In order to understand the formation mechanisms of spring ozone (O3) pollution in the Pearl River Delta region, this paper selected two typical O3 pollution cases in the spring of Foshan on April 9 and 28, 2020 for comparative analysis. The results showed that: ①Small winds, low humidity and high temperatures are the main meteorological causes of O3 pollution in Foshan in spring. ②The peak O3 concentration at each site occurred between 16:00 and 18:00, which was about 1 hour later than the annual average and the highest daily temperature was significantly lower than that in summer and autumn. The diurnal variations of most stations were dominated by single-peak types, and some stations were "inverted U-shaped" and "double-peaked" due to the local wind fields and urban downwind transmission. ③ Vertical detection analysis showed that the O3 pollution cases was mainly generated by local reactions on 9 April, and downdraft was dominated during the daytime. The pollution mainly accumulated in the surface layer below 1000m. Affected by local generation and atmospheric vertical exchange, O3 pollution spread from bottom to top on 28 April. In the morning, atmospheric vertical mixing carried the O3 inside residual layer down to the surface layer, which led to a significant increase in the surface O3. ④Compared with long-range and high-level transportation, short-distance and low-level transmission had more obvious effects on local surface O3 pollution (transmission frequency can reach more than 60%). The main transmission sources of O3 pollution in Foshan in spring were the eastern and southern regions of the Pearl River Delta, illustrating that pollution prevention and control should not only focus on local prevention but also regional coordinated control. ⑤Ozone Meteorological Index (MIO), which comprehensively considers the pollutant reflux phenomenon and photochemical reaction, has a better indication of O3 pollution compared to reflux index, and the correlation coefficient R between MDA8 and MIO can reached 0.78.

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