
  • 王雨阳,李茹莹.同步脱氮除磷复配菌剂对河流水质净化效果研究[J].环境科学学报,2022,42(5):187-194

  • 同步脱氮除磷复配菌剂对河流水质净化效果研究
  • Study on river water purification by the mixed culture of simultaneous nitrogen and phosphorus removal bacteria
  • 基金项目:国家水体污染控制与治理科技重大专项(No.2017ZX07106004)
  • 作者
  • 单位
  • 王雨阳
  • 天津大学环境科学与工程学院,天津 300350
  • 李茹莹
  • 天津大学环境科学与工程学院,天津 300350
  • 摘要:通过选择培养基、溴麝香草酚蓝(Bromothymol Blue, BTB)培养基筛选及脱氮除磷性能检测,从城市河道中成功筛选出6株异养硝化-好氧反硝化菌株,分别属于假单胞菌属(Pseudomonas)、产碱杆菌属(Alcaligenes)、无色杆菌属(Achromobacter)和陶厄氏菌属(Thauera),其中3株菌株兼具硝化、反硝化和聚磷能力,菌株MC-5除磷能力最优.在此基础上,将筛选出的6株单菌株进行复配,考察了复配菌剂在不同COD/TN下的脱氮除磷性能.根据群落结构变化分析,发现复配菌剂中的产碱杆菌属在脱氮除磷中发挥了更为关键的作用.水中碳源耗尽时补加碳源能显著提升复配菌剂的脱氮除磷性能,氨氮和总磷去除率分别由55.87%和50.48%提高到100%和98.89%,而水中COD/TN高于20会对微生物产生抑制作用.探究复配菌剂处理受污染河水最佳投加量的试验结果表明,投加量为1.69 g·m-3时,总磷指标能够从地表水劣Ⅴ类提高至Ⅲ类水质标准,氮类指标能够提升至接近地表水Ⅴ类水质标准.适当提高菌剂投加量能提高氮、磷元素降解速率,缩短河道水质修复时间.这说明本研究中的同步脱氮除磷复配菌剂在实际河水净化中具有潜在的应用价值.
  • Abstract:Six strains of heterotrophic nitrification-aerobic denitrification bacteria with satisfactory nitrogen and phosphorus removal performance were screened from urban rivers, after cultured in specific media, which belonged to PseudomonasAlcaligenesAchromobacter and Thauera. It was proved that three strains had the phosphorus accumulation ability, especially Strain MC-5 exhibited better performance on phosphorus removal. On this basis, the six selected strains were mixed to investigate their nitrogen and phosphorus removal under different COD/TN. Microbial analysis showed that Alcaligenes played a critical role in water purification. Adding carbon source upon its exhaustion could significantly increase the ammonia nitrogen and total phosphorus removal efficiencies, from 55.87% and 50.48% to 100% and 98.89%, respectively. A COD/TN ratio higher than 20 would inhibit microbial activity. When the dosage of mixed culture was 1.69 g·m-3, the total phosphorus index could be improved from inferior class V to class III water quality standard, and the nitrogen index could be improved to close to class V standard. Further increase of dosage could shorten the restoration time of the river water. This suggested that this mixed culture had the application potential in actual river water purification.

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