
  • 刘超,李如忠,傅扬.溪流营养盐滞留的水文与非水文过程分析方法[J].环境科学学报,2022,42(5):374-383

  • 溪流营养盐滞留的水文与非水文过程分析方法
  • Method of analysis on nutrient retention of hydrological and non-hydrological processes in a headwater stream
  • 基金项目:国家自然科学基金(No.51579061);安徽省重点研究与开发计划项目(No.202004i07020005)
  • 作者
  • 单位
  • 刘超
  • 合肥工业大学资源与环境工程学院,合肥 230009
  • 李如忠
  • 合肥工业大学资源与环境工程学院,合肥 230009
  • 傅扬
  • 合肥工业大学资源与环境工程学院,合肥 230009
  • 摘要:为评估溪流营养盐滞留中水文与非水文过程的影响及其贡献水平,首先定义了水文与非水文过程营养螺旋指标,并在将水文过程营养盐吸收长度Sw_hyd、非水文过程营养盐吸收长度Sw_nonhyd和溪流营养盐吸收长度Sw_tot三者之间假设为“并联电路总电阻和各支路电阻”关系模式的基础上,提出了测算Sw_nonhyd的技术方法;基于不同水文与非水文过程作用情景的OTIS (One-dimensional Transport with Inflow and Storage) 模型模拟,构建了计算溪流水文与非水文过程营养盐滞留贡献率及估算溪流主流区和暂态存储区非水文过程营养盐滞留量的模型与方法, 并将上述方法应用于溪流丁坝群NH4+-N、PO43--P滞留调控实验的案例中.结果表明:水文与非水文过程营养螺旋指标能够较好地反映溪流 营养盐滞留潜力;与对照组相比,丁坝群结构显著降低了水文过程NH4+-N、PO43--P滞留贡献率,但却大幅度提升了非水文过程滞留贡献水平.相关研究结果验证了所提出的溪流营养盐滞留水文与非水文过程分析方法的可行性和合理性.
  • Abstract:To evaluate influences of hydrological and non-hydrological processes on nutrient retention in small streams and their relative contributions, we proposed an innovative method that is used to calculate nutrient uptake length of non-hydrological process (Sw_nonhyd). First, we defined the nutrient spiraling metrics of hydrological and non-hydrological processes. Then, we calculated these metrics on the basis of the assumption that the relationship among the nutrient uptake length of hydrological process (Sw_hyd), Sw_nonhyd, and the total nutrient uptake length (Sw_tot) met “the resistance of each branch and the total resistance in parallel circuit”. Based on the simulation of OTIS (One-dimensional Transport with Inflow and Storage) model in different scenarios of hydrological and non-hydrological processes the contribution rates of nutrient retention in hydrological and non-hydrological processes, and the nutrient retention potential in non-hydrological process were quantitatively estimated in the main channel and transient storage zone, respectively. As a validation, the established models were applied to a simulation experiment of NH4+-N and PO43--P retention regulated by spur dikes in a headwater stream. Results showed that the nutrient spiraling metrics of hydrological and non-hydrological processes calculated by the method could better reflect the retention potential of nutrient in the stream. Compared with the experimental group without spur dikes, the presence of spur dikes could slightly reduce the contribution rates of NH4+-N and PO43--P retention in hydrological processes, but significantly increase their contribution rates in non-hydrological processes. Taken together, the case study demonstrated that the proposed methods are reasonable and feasible to investigate the effects of hydrological and non-hydrological processes on nutrient retention in streams.

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