
  • 胡俊,吴朦,汤育炜,於建明,董慧峪,强志民.蒽醌-2,6-二磺酸盐强化酶电解池还原脱氯性能的研究[J].环境科学学报,2022,42(6):72-79

  • 蒽醌-2,6-二磺酸盐强化酶电解池还原脱氯性能的研究
  • Enhancement of anthraquinone-2,6-disulfonate on the reductive dechlorination performance of an enzyme electrolytic cell
  • 基金项目:浙江省重点研发计划(No.2020C03085)
  • 作者
  • 单位
  • 胡俊
  • 浙江工业大学环境学院,杭州 310014
  • 吴朦
  • 浙江工业大学环境学院,杭州 310014
  • 汤育炜
  • 杭州博拓生物科技股份有限公司,杭州 311100
  • 於建明
  • 浙江工业大学环境学院,杭州 310014;浙江工业大学长三角绿色制药协同创新中心,杭州 310014
  • 董慧峪
  • 中国科学院生态环境研究中心,北京 100085
  • 强志民
  • 中国科学院生态环境研究中心,北京 100085
  • 摘要:采用氧化还原介质强化酶电解池(EEC)还原脱氯性能,结果发现,蒽醌-2,6-二磺酸盐(AQDS)、吩嗪-1-甲酰胺(PCN)、氰钴胺(CNB12)和核黄素(RF)均可明显提高EEC系统还原脱氯性能,二氯甲烷(DCM)脱氯率从57%分别提升至81%、72%、86%、84%.考虑到经济成本,选择AQDS作为氧化还原介质进行强化EEC系统还原脱氯性能.在EEC阴极中,AQDS被还原成AH2QDS,可直接与DCM发生氧化还原反应,但不能作为脱卤酶辅酶提高DCM脱氯率.还原性谷胱甘肽(GSH)是脱卤酶的天然辅酶,AQDS加速GSH消耗,且抑制GSH再生.此外,AQDS提升了EEC系统的库仑效率,这意味着更多电子参与了AH2QDS生成.因此,可以推测AQDS是通过直接还原作用强化EEC系统脱氯性能.AQDS-EEC系统的最佳pH值、温度、外加电压分别为7、35 ℃、-1.2 V vs Ag/AgCl.
  • Abstract:In this study, four redox media were used to enhance the reductive dechlorination of an enzyme electrolysis cell (EEC). Evidently, anthraquinone-2,6-disulfonate (AQDS), cyanobalamin (CNB12), phenazine-1-foramide (PCN) and Riboflavin (RF) improved the reductive dechlorination performance of the EEC, and the dechlorination rate of dichloromethane (DCM) increased from 57% to 81%, 86%, 72% and 84%, respectively. Considering the economic cost, AQDS was chosen as the redox medium for further research. In EEC cathode, AQDS was reduced to AH2QDS, which can directly react with DCM, but cannot act as a dehalogenase coenzyme. The presence of AQDS accelerated the consumption and inhibited the generation of GSH, which is a natural coenzyme of dehalogenase. Additionally, AQDS improved the Coulomb efficiency of the EEC, indicating that more electrons are involved in the production of AH2QDS. Therefore, it can be speculated that the direct reduction of DCM by AH2QDS accounted for the improvement of reductive dechlorination performance by AQDS. The optimum pH, temperature and applied voltage of the EEC enhanced by AQDS were determined to be 7, 35 ℃ and -1.2 V vs Ag/AgCl, respectively.

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