
  • 陈迎,朱波,黄沛荣,程勇,何凌燕,黄晓锋.深圳市东部沿海地区大气挥发性有机物污染若干特征[J].环境科学学报,2022,42(6):295-305

  • 深圳市东部沿海地区大气挥发性有机物污染若干特征
  • Characteristics for ambient volatile organic compounds in the eastern coastal area in Shenzhen, China
  • 基金项目:广东省重点领域研发计划(No.2020B1111360003);深圳市环境科研课题
  • 作者
  • 单位
  • 陈迎
  • 北京大学深圳研究生院,环境与能源学院,大气观测超级站实验室,深圳 518055
  • 朱波
  • 北京大学深圳研究生院,环境与能源学院,大气观测超级站实验室,深圳 518055
  • 黄沛荣
  • 北京大学深圳研究生院,环境与能源学院,大气观测超级站实验室,深圳 518055
  • 程勇
  • 北京大学深圳研究生院,环境与能源学院,大气观测超级站实验室,深圳 518055
  • 何凌燕
  • 北京大学深圳研究生院,环境与能源学院,大气观测超级站实验室,深圳 518055
  • 黄晓锋
  • 北京大学深圳研究生院,环境与能源学院,大气观测超级站实验室,深圳 518055
  • 摘要:挥发性有机物(VOCs)是大气臭氧(O3)的重要前体物,珠三角地区夏、秋季O3污染频发,科研人员在其城市地区已开展多项VOCs观测研究,但对珠三角背景地区的VOCs组成和来源认识不足.本研究于深圳市东部沿海地区的大鹏半岛开展VOCs多点位同步监测,初探该背景区域VOCs的污染特征.结果表明,整个区域VOCs浓度水平呈现出西高东低的空间分布;观测期间平均总VOCs(TVOCs)浓度为27.4×10-9(体积分数,下同),最主要的组分是含氧有机物(OVOCs)、烷烃和卤代烃,浓度合计占80.4%;OVOCs、芳香烃和烯烃是臭氧生成潜势(OFP)和羟基自由基损耗速率(L·OH)占比最高的3类组分,总OFP为86.5×10-9,合计L·OH为8.6 s-1,需重点关注乙醛、异戊二烯、丙醛、正丁醛和间/对-二甲苯等高活性物种.整个区域气团较为老化,受到来自东北方向气团区域传输的影响.解析出VOCs主要的5个来源为车辆排放、溶剂和其他工业源、二次生成、生物质燃烧和生物排放.研究表明,需在区域尺度联合防控VOCs污染以有效控制珠三角地区的臭氧污染.
  • Abstract:Volatile organic compounds (VOCs) are important precursors of atmospheric O3. O3 pollution events frequently occurred in Pearl River Delta (PRD) region during summer and autumn. Several VOCs observational studies have been conducted in urban areas in PRD, while the related studies focusing on background regions are limited. In this study, based on VOCs measurements simultaneously taken at multiple sites in PRD background region of Dapeng Peninsula in Shenzhen, we characterized VOCs pollution in this background area. The results showed the average volume concentration of total VOCs (TVOCs) was 27.4×10-9 during sampling period with a higher level in west and lower level in east. The most dominated species were oxygenated volatile organic compounds (OVOCs), alkanes and halo- hydrocarbons, accounting for 80.4% in TVOCs in total. OVOCs, aromatics and alkenes were three most important components for ozone formation potential (OFP) with 86.5×10-9 in total and ·OH loss rate (L·OH) with 8.6 s-1 in total. Among them, highly active species such as Acetaldehyde, isoprene, propionaldehyde, n-Butanal and m/p-xylene should attract more attention. Affected by regional transmission from northeast, the air mass in PRD was relatively aged. Five main sources for VOCs were vehicle emissions, solvents and other industrial emissions, secondary formation, biomass burning and biogenic emissions. Our study suggests that it is necessary to take comprehensive prevent and control measures on a regional scale for effectively reducing ozone pollution in the PRD region.

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