
  • 郑杲,蒋亚萍,陈余道,邹志坤,覃佳肖,杨鹏飞.过硫酸盐去除石灰土介质中汽油BTEX的效果及乙醇的影响[J].环境科学学报,2022,42(7):217-224

  • 过硫酸盐去除石灰土介质中汽油BTEX的效果及乙醇的影响
  • Effects of degradation of gasoline BTEX and influences of ethanol by persulfate in calcareous soil medium
  • 基金项目:国家自然科学基金(No.41967028);广西自然科学基金重点项目(No.2019GXNSFDA245030)
  • 作者
  • 单位
  • 郑杲
  • 桂林理工大学岩溶地区水污染控制与用水安全保障协同创新中心,桂林 541004
  • 蒋亚萍
  • 桂林理工大学岩溶地区水污染控制与用水安全保障协同创新中心,桂林 541004;自然资源部南方石山地区矿山地质环境修复工程技术创新中心,南宁 530031
  • 陈余道
  • 桂林理工大学岩溶地区水污染控制与用水安全保障协同创新中心,桂林 541004
  • 邹志坤
  • 桂林理工大学岩溶地区水污染控制与用水安全保障协同创新中心,桂林 541004
  • 覃佳肖
  • 桂林理工大学岩溶地区水污染控制与用水安全保障协同创新中心,桂林 541004;自然资源部南方石山地区矿山地质环境修复工程技术创新中心,南宁 530031
  • 杨鹏飞
  • 桂林理工大学岩溶地区水污染控制与用水安全保障协同创新中心,桂林 541004
  • 摘要:为了认识岩溶区石灰土含水介质中化学氧化联合生物降解去除燃油苯系物的效果,以汽油中的苯、甲苯、乙苯和二甲苯(BTEX)作为 污染物,通过批实验研究过硫酸盐(PS)联合硝酸盐去除汽油BTEX的效果,并认识不同浓度乙醇(EtOH)存在时带来的影响及化学氧化与反硝化联合修复的可能性.结果表明,在35 d内各组的BTEX去除率均达到91.00%以上,PS化学氧化能有效地去除BTEX.在不含EtOH及含EtOH 初始浓度为500和5000 mg·L-1的情况下,BTEX浓度在第65 d时分别为未检出、0.226 mg·L-1、0.243 mg·L-1,去除率分别为99.98%、99.00%、98.70%,其中,苯的去除率分别为99.98%、97.01%、93.32%.随着EtOH浓度的增加,苯的去除受到抑制,EtOH对BTEX的化学氧化具有阻碍 作用.石灰土介质中高铁含量对PS具有活化能力,高含量有机质能促进PS分解,并导致pH值回升,出现反硝化作用和硫酸盐还原作用,有利于生物降解作用的恢复.
  • Abstract:In order to understand the effect of chemical oxidation combined with biodegradation on the removal of fuel benzene series in calcareous soil aqueous medium in karst area, gasoline benzene, toluene, ethylbenzene, and xylene (BTEX) were used as pollutants to conduct batch experiments to analyze the effect of persulfate (PS) combined with nitrate, and different concentrations of ethanol (EtOH) addiction on the removal of gasoline BTEX, and the potential of combined remediation of chemical oxidation and denitrification. The results showed that the BTEX removal rate of each group reached more than 91.00% within 35 days, and PS chemical oxidation can effectively remove BTEX. On the 65th day, no BTEX was detected under the condition without EtOH addition, and the concentration of BTEX decreased to 0.226 mg·L-1 and 0.243 mg·L-1 when the concentration of adding EtOH was 500 and 5000 mg·L-1, respectively. The BTEX removal rates were 99.98%, 99.00% and 98.70%, respectively, and the removal rates of benzene were 99.98%, 97.01% and 93.32% respectively. With the increase of EtOH concentration, the removal of benzene was inhibited and EtOH hindered the chemical oxidation of BTEX. The high content of iron in the calcareous soil medium helped to activate PS, and the high content of organic matter (OM) can promote the decomposition of PS, leading to the increase in pH and inducing denitrification and sulfate reduction, which is conducive to the recovery of biodegradation.

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