
  • 崔阳阳,田野,郝利君,葛胜龙,沈岩,葛蕴珊,连爱萍,薛亦峰.基于道路遥感监测的北京市汽油车大气污染排放水平及对标准修订的启示[J].环境科学学报,2022,42(8):101-108

  • 基于道路遥感监测的北京市汽油车大气污染排放水平及对标准修订的启示
  • Beijing gasoline vehicle air pollution emission level based on road remote sensing monitoring and enlightenment to standard revision
  • 基金项目:国家重点研发计划课题(No.2016YFC0201106);北京市生态环境保护科学研究院基金项目(No.Y2022-007)
  • 作者
  • 单位
  • 崔阳阳
  • 北京市生态环境保护科学研究院,国家城市环境污染控制工程技术研究中心,北京 100037
  • 田野
  • 北京市生态环境局,北京 100048
  • 郝利君
  • 北京理工大学机械与车辆学院,北京 100081
  • 葛胜龙
  • 北京市生态环境局,北京 100048
  • 沈岩
  • 北京市生态环境保护科学研究院,国家城市环境污染控制工程技术研究中心,北京 100037
  • 葛蕴珊
  • 北京理工大学机械与车辆学院,北京 100081
  • 连爱萍
  • 北京市生态环境局,北京 100048
  • 薛亦峰
  • 北京市生态环境保护科学研究院,国家城市环境污染控制工程技术研究中心,北京 100037
  • 摘要:机动车遥感监测(以下简称遥测)具有快速和便捷特点,可减轻人工执法工作量,为机动车污染排放监管和执法提供良好的支持.本研究对北京市2021年1—4月60个道路机动车遥测站点污染排放数据进行统计分析,获取了北京市汽油车大气污染物排放浓度(均为体积浓度)累积分布概率等排放特征.通过数据比对和典型现场实验,对车辆在稳态工况法(ASM)和遥测大气污染物排放数据进行相关性分析,并提出了北京市地方标准修订的建议.研究结果表明:①将监测到的1149.7万条数据按污染物浓度由高到低的顺序排列,累积分布概率前10%、50%和90%的CO浓度分别为1.73%、0.58%和0.16%;HC分别为96.38×10-6、22.44×10-6和6.59×10-6 ;NO则为686.58×10-6、117.70×10-6和24.13×10-6.②排放水平与排放标准有较大的关系,其中国VI排放标准车辆污染物浓度水平显著低于国I车辆,累积分布概率前10%、50%和90%对应的CO浓度下降率为54.83%~85.71%,HC下降率为75.71%~85.35%,NO则为65.73%~85.00%.③与稳态工况法相关性分析表明,在样本量较大的情况下,两种方法检出的排放水平趋于一致,但对于单个车辆来讲,具有一定的波动性.④现执行的北京市地方标准污染物种类不全,限值较为宽松,建议充分利用现有的遥测设备资源,将HC和NO纳入标准限值,筛查高排放车辆,提高机动车排放监管和执法效率.
  • Abstract:Motor vehicle remote sensing monitoring (hereinafter referred to as telemetry) is fast and convenient, which can reduce the authorities’ work and support the supervision of vehicle pollution emission and law enforcement. This study conducted a statistical analysis on the pollution emission data at 60 road vehicle telemetry sites in Beijing from January to April 2021, and obtained characteristics of air pollutant emission concentration (volume concentration) from gasoline vehicles in Beijing, such as the cumulative distribution probability. Based on the data comparison and typical field experiments, the correlation analysis of the air pollutant emission of vehicles in the steady-state operating mode (ASM) and telemetry was carried out. Then suggestions for the revision of Beijing local standards were put forward. The research results show that: ① The 11.497 million monitored data are arranged in descending order of pollutant concentration, and the top 10%, 50% and 90% CO volume concentrations of the cumulative distribution probability are 1.73%, 0.58% and 0.16% respectively; Those for HC are 96.38×10-6, 22.44×10-6 and 6.59×10-6, respectively; For NO are 686.58×10-6, 117.70×10-6 and 24.13×10-6, respectively. ② The emission level has a great relationship with emission standard. The pollutant concentration emitted from China VI vehicle is significantly lower than that of China I vehicle. The CO volume concentration decline rate corresponding to the top 10%, 50% and 90% of the cumulative distribution probability is 54.83% ~85.71%, the decrease rate of HC was 75.71%~85.35%, and the NO was 65.73%~85.00%. ③ Correlation analysis with the steady-state operating mode method shows that the emission levels in numerous of samples that detected by the two methods tend to be the same, but for a single vehicle, there is a certain degree of volatility. ④ The currently implemented Beijing local standard pollutant types are not complete, and the limit value is relatively loose. It is recommended to make full use of the existing remote sensing equipment resources, include HC and NO into the standard limit value, screen high-emission vehicles, and improve the efficiency of motor vehicle emission supervision and law enforcement.

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