
  • 姚瀚申,吴义锋,朱红生,程寒飞.梯级生态湿地对污水厂尾水水质提升作用的数值模拟研究[J].环境科学学报,2022,42(8):236-245

  • 梯级生态湿地对污水厂尾水水质提升作用的数值模拟研究
  • Numerical simulation study on the effect of cascade ecological wetland for water quality improvement of wastewater treatment plant tail water
  • 基金项目:安徽省重点研究与开发计划(面上公关,202004a06020026);2020年江苏省省级绿色建筑发展专项资金科技支撑项目(No.苏财建[2020]88号);长江三角洲农药污染场地修复及安全利用关键技术研究与集成示范项目(No.2018YFC1803100)
  • 作者
  • 单位
  • 姚瀚申
  • 东南大学能源与环境学院,南京 210096
  • 吴义锋
  • 东南大学能源与环境学院,南京 210096
  • 朱红生
  • 中冶华天工程技术有限公司,南京 210019
  • 程寒飞
  • 中冶华天工程技术有限公司,南京 210019
  • 摘要:以无锡城北污水厂尾水水质提升的梯级生态湿地为研究对象,以湿地长序列水质监测数据为基础,采用MIKE21二维流场模块(HD)耦合ECO Lab的“WQ with nutrients”模块开展梯级生态湿地系统的数值模拟研究,率定水质净化关键参数,研究梯级生态湿地对污水厂尾水水质 净化作用.结果表明,梯级生态湿地对COD、BOD、NH3-N、NO3-和PO43-的平均去除率分别为26.08%、26.08%、52.50%、31.62%和56.98%,污染物削减负荷分别为1.52、0.23、0.18、0.93和0.044 g·m-2?d-1,湿地系统的水动力和水质模拟误差分别在5%和15%之内.模拟率定了BOD一级反应降解系数和硝化作用、反硝化作用一级反应系数,以及植物、微生物吸收NH3-N和PO43-系数等梯级生态湿地水质净化关键参数,提出了梯级 生态湿地水质提升的污染物削减途径;率定参数与同类研究对比,模拟精度较高,参数率定结果可靠,可为尾水湿地工艺优化设计提供技术支撑.
  • Abstract:With the focus on tail-water quality deep purification from sewage treatment plant, a novel cascaded ecological buffer wetland, synthesized with ecological pond, shallow surface flow wetland and submerged plant wetland, was developed to reduce environmental pollution loading. The compositional effects of individual biological and biochemical process on the water purification were investigated using MIKE21’s two-dimensional flow module (HD) with ECO Lab’s ‘WQ with nutrients’ module, then some key reaction kinetics parameters of pollutant removal were calibrated simultaneously in this study. The obtained result showed a satisfaction pollutants removal capacity of the ecological wetland, with the mean removal rates of 26.08%, 26.08%, 52.50%, 31.62% and 56.98% for COD, BOD5, ammonia, total nitrate and total phosphate, and corresponding pollutant reduction loads were 1.52, 0.23, 0.18, 0.93 and 0.044 g·m-2?d-1 respectively. With relative errors of 5% for hydrodynamic and 15% for each pollutant concentrations during numerical simulation, the key parameters of sewage purification in cascaded ecological wetland were calibrated, including BOD first-order reaction decay coefficient, nitrification and denitrification first-order reaction decay coefficient, absorption coefficient of ammonia nitrogen and phosphate by plants and microorganisms. Then all pollutant removal processes for improving water quality of cascaded ecological wetland were proposed based on these parameters. In general, the novel ecological wetland could enhance hydraulic loading and purification efficiency for sewage treatment plant effluent, which is expected to became a feasible approach for the ecological engineering methods optimization of ecological buffer wetlands.

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