
  • 姚昕,樊团团,孙小平,任浩宇,马飞扬,刘立.不同分子量草源DOM与重金属的相互作用[J].环境科学学报,2022,42(8):282-292

  • 不同分子量草源DOM与重金属的相互作用
  • Investigation of the variations in fractionated dissolved organic matter properties and complexations with two typical heavy metals
  • 基金项目:国家自然科学基金(No.41977322,41901120);湖泊科学与环境国家重点实验室开放基金(No.2018SKL004);山东省自然科学基金(No.ZR2019BD052)
  • 作者
  • 单位
  • 姚昕
  • 聊城大学地理与环境学院,聊城 252000;中国科学院南京地理与湖泊研究所,湖泊与环境国家重点实验室,南京 210008
  • 樊团团
  • 聊城大学地理与环境学院,聊城 252000
  • 孙小平
  • 山东省聊城生态环境监测中心,聊城 252000
  • 任浩宇
  • 聊城大学地理与环境学院,聊城 252000;北京师范大学水科学学院,北京 100875
  • 马飞扬
  • 聊城大学地理与环境学院,聊城 252000
  • 刘立
  • 聊城大学地理与环境学院,聊城 252000
  • 摘要:将采集自徒骇河聊城河段沉水植被生长区的DOM分为3个分子量级别:<0.7 μm DOM、<500 kDa DOM、<100 kDa DOM,通过三维荧光结合平行因子分析(EEM-PARAFAC)和荧光滴定法探讨水体中不同分子量DOM的荧光特征及其与重金属(Cu2+和Pb2+)的络合作用.结果表明:草源DOM的有机碳主要储存在分子量<100 kDa组分中.PARAFAC分析得出4个荧光组分,分别为类色氨酸组分C2、C4,以及酪氨酸组分C1和类腐殖质组分C3.草源DOM主要以分子量<100 kDa的类色氨酸组分C2和酪氨酸组分C1为主.二维相关光谱(2D-COS)表明,与类腐殖物质相比,类蛋白物质优先与Cu2+与Pb2+发生猝灭,DOM中不同分子量组分与Cu2+与Pb2+的猝灭顺序未发生改变.在与Cu2+结合的过程中,不同 分子量中类腐殖质组分C3的络合常数(logKa)大于类蛋白组分C1、C2,表明类腐殖质组分的金属结合能力强于类蛋白质组分;随着分子量级别的降低,组分C3的logKa值逐渐增大(3.47<3.59<3.73),表明低分子量(<100 kDa)中的类腐殖质与Cu2+具有更高的结合能力.不同分子量DOM中,类蛋白组分C1、C2、C4在分子量<0.7 μm DOM中的logKa值均最高,表明高分子量(<0.7 μm)的类蛋白质更容易与Cu2+结合,而Pb2+与各组分结合出现了荧光增强或猝灭的现象.DOM-Cu2+与DOM-Pb2+结合表现出不同的结合规律,反映出金属种类与DOM结合的异质性与复杂性.
  • Abstract:In this study, DOM samples collected within the submerged plant growing area in the Liaocheng reach of Tuhai River were divided into three molecular weight levels, i.e., < 0.7 μm DOM, < 500 kDa DOM, and < 100 kDa DOM. Fluorescence characteristics and binding behavior with heavy metals (Cu2+ and Pb2+) of the fractionated DOM were studied using three-dimensional fluorescence combined with parallel factor analysis (EEM-PARAFAC) and fluorescence titration. Results showed that the organic carbon of macrophytes-derived DOM was mainly stored in <100 kDa fraction. Four fluorescence components were extracted by PARAFAC, including the tryptophan-like components C2 and C4, the tyrosine component C1, and the humic-like component C3. The macrophytes-derived DOM was mainly composed of C1 and C2 in molecular weight <100 kDa. 2D correlation spectra (2D-COS) showed that compared to humic-like substances, protein-like substances preferentially quenched with Cu2+ and Pb2+. The quenching orders of different molecular weight fractions in DOM with Cu2+ and Pb2+ did not change. In the process of binding with Cu2+, humic-like component C3 possessed higher logKa values than protein-like components C1 and C2 in different molecular weights DOM, which indicated that humic-like components exhibited higher binding ability than protein-like counterparts. The logKa values of component C3 (3.47<3.59<3.73) increased gradually with decreased molecular weight level, indicating that the humic-like components in low molecular weight (<100 kDa) had better binding ability to Cu2+. In fractioned DOM, the highest logKa values were found in protein-like components C1, C2, and C4 in <0.7 μm fraction, which indicated that protein-like components in <0.7 μm fraction were easier to bind to Cu2+, while the fluorescence intensities of components were enhanced or quenched with the addition of Pb2+. Different binding pattern were showed among DOM with Cu2+ and Pb2+, which reflected the heterogeneity and complexity of the binding between metal species and DOM.

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